I '
J .D .C .S ow erb y ./icit.
SO L EN G LA D IO LU S , t. 4 3 . / . 4, 4.
A species which has long been well known in this country, b u t which I believe has never yet been properly
distinguished from the common European species, SoUn Siliqua. In form the two species resemble
each other very nearly, the S. Gladioliis is, however, higher (or wider as some would say) than the S. Siliqua,
and this difference is more remarkable near the posterior pa rt. S. Gladiolus is also in general, a little curved.
I am aware tha t this la tte r circumstance cannot be regarded as a specific difference, since there is a variety of
5 . Siliqua common on o u r shores which is also a little curved. A far greater and more important difference
exists in the muscular impressions. The anterior edge of the palleal muscular impression in S. Gladiolus
is much more curved into the form of a hay and also much more distant from the anterior edge o f the shell
th an in S . Sìliqua. T h e S .Gladiolus is never mottled and streaked with reddish purple as is usua lly the
Comparative dimensions o f the two species.
Length. Height.
S. Glad io lu s...........................6 inches. 1 2-10th inch.
S. Siliqua ................................ 6 4-lOth inches. 0 -95 inch.
A specimen of S. Gladiolus which was in the collection o f G. Humphrey was marked “ S. America,
Spengler.” Many were brought to England by the Blossom; and several have lately been brought by the
Beagle. This species seems to bear the same relation to S. Siliqua, tha t S. Amei-icanus o f Beck does to S. Ensis-
SoLEN A C U T ID E N S , t, 4 3 . / . 2. Broderip and Sowerby, Zool. Journ. iv. p . 361.
From Loo Choo.
SoLEN M ED IU S , t. 44. f . 2.
Shell obovate, thin, smooth, rounded a t both e n d s ; white with an ante rior cross b a r inside, and livid
with a rather thin y ellowish brown epidermis outside ; anterior side one fourth the length of the shell.
Locality unknown.
G lauconome Ch in e n s is , t. 41. / . 4. Gray, Spicilegia Zool. p . 6 . t. 3. / . 13.
13 a. Sowerby, Genera o f Recent and Fossil Shells, No. 42.—Sowerby,
Conchological Manual, p . 4 6 . / . 64.
Inhabits rivers o f C hina.
T e l l in id e s P U R P U R E U S , t. 42. f . 2. Broderip and Sowerhy, Zool. Journ. iv.
p . 363.
In habits the sandy shores o f the Pacific Ocean.
T e l l in a a l t e r n id e n t a t a , t. 44. / . 5. Broderip and Sowerhy, Zool. Journ.
iv. p . 363.
Epidermis on the young shell very thin and fugacious : its inside is sometimes of a pa le rose colour.
F rom the Arctic Ocean.
T e l l in a in c o n s p ic u a , t. 4 1 . / . 6 . Broderip and Sowerhy, Zool. Journ. h . p . 363,
Tellina Grænlaudica. Beck. MS.
From the Arctic Ocean.