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T h e following notices on the geological structure of the numerous and
distant points of the globe visited by Captain B e e c h e y on his late voyage,
have heen selected by Professor B u c k l a n d from the notes of Lieutenant
B e l c h e k and of Mr. A. C o l l i e .
The paragraphs taken from each are designated respectively by the
initials of the authors, B. and C . ; the observations of Professor B u c k l a n d
are marked by the letters Ed.
Each place is described in the order in which it was visited by the
expedition, excepting in the case of the bones of elephants and other
quadrupeds discovered in Eschscholtz B a y ; the peculiar and more generally
interesting nature of this discovery has been considered a sufficient
reason for noticing it in the Appendix to the First Volume.
By a most unfortunate accident, the principal series of specimens
collected on this voyage has been rendered nearly useless, in consequence
of the destruction of the labels attached to them, by sea-water; and the
private.collection of Lieutenant B e l c h e r , which he has presented to the
Geological Society of London, does but partially enable us to supply
the loss.