t -, E X P L A N A T I O N OF T H E TABLES. 125
marrow, and coniieftcd, by filaments, with the pofterior bundle of the
firft and fécond fubvertebral cervical nerves.
V W X Y Z Small nerves which join the pofterior bundles'of the fubvertebral
cervical nerves to each other.
a, i, c, rl, c,f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o,p, q, r, i, t, », v, w, x. The ligamentnm
dentieulatum fixed by a number of fmall filaments to the pia mater covering
the fpina! marrow, and, by larger cords, fixed to the dura mater.
Thefe cords,_ in fome places, afcend ; in others, they defccnd ; in the
greater number they are tranfverfe.
tv^ A fubllance produced from the end of the fpinal marrow, reckoned
by many authors a nerve, but which ought to be confidered as the under
part or termination of.the ligamentum-dentieulatum.
Fio. IL Shews, more fully than in the former figure, the way in which
the acccfi'ory nerve is connected to the fpinal marrow and to the pofterior
part of the fpinal nerve.
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