E X P L A N A T I O l i OF THE TABLES. i29
R The anterior part of the diaphragm fixed to the ribs as well as to the
anterior fternum.
S The pofterior part of the diaphragm fixed to the pofterior fternum only.
T Fig. I. Lungs which confift of four lobes, on the right fide of the heart.
U Fig. I. Lungs confining of two lobes on the left fide of the heart.
Thefe arc feparated from each other in the ufual way by the mediafti-
X The larynx and trachea from it for conduaing the air into the lungs T
and U. • The whole of the larynx is open towards the pharynx.
V W Pig. II. Lungs, confifting each of two lobes, placed at the fides of
the ocfophagus 1, from which their trachcae are fent off, reprefcnted at
the letter Y.
The lungs VW are in one cavity, formed by a pofterior membrane or
pleura. This cavity is divided from the two anterior cavities of the thorax
by the intervention of the pofterior pleura, conneiled to the anterior
pleurae by cellular membranes. But, as the pofterior part of the diaphragm
S is eonneiled to the pofterior fternum only, and not to the pofterior
ribs, the pofterior cavity of the thorax communicates with the
cavity of the abdomen at ZZ, on each fide of S.
Both bodies are fupplied with blood from one heart.
Two inferior venae cavae, joined with the fuperior cava, terminate in
one auricle a.
b Is the right ventricle.
c The pulmonaiy artery which fends arteries to the four lungs.
(I The left auricle.
e The point of the left ventricle, from which one aorta is fent out, which
foon divides i n t o / and g, right and left aortac proper to each body, from
the arches of which the afcending branches arc fent off.
The canalis arteriofus ends in the left aortag.
The umbilical cords, formed as in two diftinft foetufes, are contiguous at
h, or fccm to form one common cord; and as there is but one liver, it
is probable that the umbilical veins united within the body.
K k TA B L E