c o N T
XVLI. 0/tie coitmSnoK afthe feveral cords which compoje each of the nerves 44
X V I I I . Of the external covering of the trunks of the nerves, ami of the cords
orfunicuh of which they conftji - - - 48
X I X . Of the ganglia of the nerves - - " 5 °
X X . Of Jpheroidal bodies which, in fome animals, make part of the nervous
JyJlem - - - - " 59
X X I . Ofjome principal nerves which have not been properly traced by
authors - - " . " " ^^
X X I I . Of the appearance of the nerves viewed with the micro/cope 67
X X I I I . Of the nature of the energy of the nerves - - - 74
Of the ufes of the nerves - - " " 77
X X V . Whether the nerves convey the nourijhment to our organs - 78
XXVI. Offenfation - - " " - 88
XXVII. Of the termination of the nerves in the mufcular organs ; and whether
mujcles pojjefs a vis infta different from the vis nervea 90
XXVIII. Of the manner and caujes of the aSlions of the mujcles - 95
E X P L A N A T I O N of the TABLES.
I. THIS table flew,, in a fietm calf, the JlruCiure of a phms firmed by the internal
carotid artery, called by Galen Rete Mirabile - - 105
II. In this tabh the human cranium, the brain, and the nafe, are rcf refitted cut perpmdicularlt,
chfe to the right fide of the fah cerebri andfeptm, narium - ! 06
III. The figures in this table reprefent the commmicatian of the lateral ventricles of the
human train-u-ith each other, and-with the third vmtriile - 108
IV. In this table farther views are refre/mted of the commimcalion of the lateral ventricles
of the human brain iiiilh each other, and -with the third ventricle. The
anterior parts are here turned towards the bottom of the table - "o
V. In this table a view is given of the human crura cerebri and cerebelli, of ¡he tuber
annulare, and medulla oblongata, after dijiaing away from them the arachnoid
coat and pia mater, in order to flew the general direflioa of their medullary fibres in
VI. This
VI. Ths table reprefent. a perpendicular feilion in the human fullea, of the corpus
flriatnm, thalamus nerv, optici, aus cerebri, tuber atmulare, pineal gland,
oommiffura cerebri poficrior, nates, tefiis, cerebellum, and fourth ventricle, with
a Die-w of the medulla oblongata - _ ^^^
VII. In figure I. is reprefented afeSion of the human brain and cerebellum, with their
crura, the tuber annulare and medulla oblongata, in order toflsew a great iutermiMre
of cineritiomfubßanee with the medullary, and very various directions
and interlacing of the bundles of the medullary fibres - ,, j
VIII. This table repr^ent, the head, of children bom at the full time, in which the
bones, which generally form the top rf the cranium, are wanting, and in which
the brain, which i, euremely fmall, ,rojea, lUe an ,«refceme. , , 6
v m . . In this table the brain found in an imperfect ßate, .n two children, aud the
nerve, of the head, neck, and ar,u, are reprefiuted . „^
VIII. • • /„ tbi, table are reprefented the parts of a human female monßer, iú which
there are two heads, and the bone,, mnfcles, and nerves of two trunk,,
two pairs of lungs, and two ßomach,, hut only two arms and two leg,,
two renal glands, and two kidneys, one I,ver and fpleen, and one heart,
confßing of me auricle, and one ventricle only _ ^ ^ ^
K. This table reprefents theß.-uäure fome principal part, of the brain and of the
fpinal marrow in a fleep _ _ _
X. Thi, table reprefent, afore view of the fpinal marrow of a man, after cutting away
the bod.e, of the vertebrae, laying open the ßeath. formed by the dura
mater and araclsnoid coat, and cutting the anterior bundles of,h, fpinal nereis ,34
XI, /„ this table are reprefeuted, iu a man. (after cutting of the bodies of ,he do,fal
vertebrae) theßrußure of the furface of the fpinal marrow, the rife of the anterior
a,Id poßerior bundle, of the dorfal nerves, a ganglion iu the poßerior
bundle, and the couneñion of the two bundle, with each other, and with the
great fympathetic nerve
XII. /,. the four Figure, f this table the part, of a monßrou. kitten are delineated of
their natural ßr,. It appear, to have ou, head aud two bodie,, each with
3.4, J, 6, 7,8. . - - ,38
XIII. M the figure, of this table (e.cept the laß, vi., tig. „.J reprefent the ap^-^
pearance of the nerve, of man, quadruped., bird., amphibia, ßße., when carefully
viewed with the naked eye, or with a magnifying glaf.
XIV.. The two figure, of thi. table ßew the appearance of the fciatic nerve, twelve
month, after the, had been cm acrof. and rejoined ,n living frog. - ,3,
XV. Repre