' i: E X P L A N A T I O N OF THE TABLES. i i 7
J N this table, the brain found in an imperfeit ftate, in two
children, and the nerves of the head, neck, and arm, are
Figure L
AB Two projections, or excrefcences, wliich fupplied the place of the hemilpheres
of the bram.
C A red coloured firm fubftance which fupplied the place of the cerebellum.
D Part of the occipital bone turned out of its place.
E The llieath of dura mater which inclofed the fpinal marrow.
F The fpinal marrow of the neck and cervical nerves taking their rife
from it.
G The left eye-ball.
H The left optic nerve.
I The joining of the two optic nerves.
J K The third and fourth pairs of nerves.
L The root of the fifth pair of nerves.
M The ganglion of the fifth pair.
N The ocular branch of the fifth pair.
O The fuperior maxillary bi'anch of the fifth paii".
P The inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair.
Q^The proper inferior maxillary branch, and branches fent from it to the
R The lingual branch of the fifth pair.
S The fixth pair of nerves.
T The portio dura of the feventh pair.
V The eighth pair, and U its pars vaga.
G g W The
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