O N E N S.
. PAG.
I. 0/ the circulation of the blood within the head - - . J
II. Of the membranei of the brain and cerebellum in general - 8
III. Of the communication of the ventricles of the encefhalon with each
other, as defcribed by former authors - -
IV. Of the communication of the ventricles of the encephalon with each other,
by the Author - i . _
V. Of the abfirbent vejfels of the encephalon, and of the infundibulum
and glandula pituitaria - - ^ _ j ^
VI. Of the ufe of the ventricles of the encephalon ^ j ,
VII. Of the cineritious and medullary fubßances of the brain and cerebellum 22
VIII. Ofthefuppofed origin or formation of nerves . .
IX. Of the ßruSlure of the Jpinal marrow - - 28
X. Of the pia mater, the colour and texture of the nerves -
XI. Conclufions drawn from the three laßßmons - .
Order of the fubfequent chapters mentioned - . jy
XIII. Of the appearance of the nerves in their courfe, and particularly of
their folds or joints ~ ^ ^ ^
y^'i'V- Of the conneStion of the nerves in their courfe - -
XV. 0/" the plexufes of nerves - -
XVI. Of the conneaion of the nerves which run in oppoftte direBions, fo as
to be joined by their fmall branches - = "43
I XV I I I .