B r a c t e j e 3, final), fetaceous, below the joint, at a little diftance from each other.
Ca l yx none, unleis the braftese be taken for it.
Corolla flattiih at the bafe, monopetalous, deeply 'flivided^ihto ten fegments, whitilh and
fmooth; fegments oblong; ovate, ohtufe; the fiv e outermoft thickeft,. externally green; the
innermoft narrower and ihorter.
E n iM i i C n o m o f theNscTAKY confining.of about fhjrgt yellow, compreffed, club-thaped
rays, a little ihorter than the corolla: middle crown o f greeniih capillary rays, much ihorter:
the' innermojl a3lingle' green, plaited,'truncated; membrane, .clofcly covering, the c d l when: the
honey is lodged- ,
O rgans of Fructification as long as the corolla, fmooth.
Column cylindrical, thickiih, white.
filam ents white. Antherce yellow.
Gcrmen oval, flightly triangular.
P i/lilla recurved. Stigmata obtule.
F riiit a be rry; we have never feen it in a ftate o f maturity.
O B S E R V A T I O N S .
The defcription o f Pafliflora punftata (not the fpecific charafter) in Linnaeus’s Syft. Veg. belongs
to this plant, as well as the obfervation in his Mantiffa, p. 492; but the latter is fo obfcure and
erroneous, that it neither agrees with the plant, nor with the original manufcript from which it
was printed.
Pafliflora punftata is known b y the figure and defcription o f Feuille, after whom Linnaeus de-
. (g ib ed it, nor did be or myfelf ever fee a fpccimen o f t l i i fpecics. The Ab b i Cavanilles has
lately given a figure o f it from a plant which flowered in the royal garden at Paris,
E X P L A N A T I O N O P T H E F I G U R E .
1. Bradtea;.
2. Outer Petal.
3. Inner ditto.
4. External Crown.
7. Partition of the nedtariferous cell. '
8. Column of the organs of frudtification.
9. Anthera.
ip. Germen.
5. Middle ditto. 11. Stigma.
P A S S I F L O R A lunata.
G Y N A N D R I A Pentandria.
Char. È s s rn t. Trigyna. Corolla decemfida. NeEtarium radiis coronatimi. Bacca pe-
Sedlio 2. Foliis bilobis.
A S S I F L O R A foliis bilobis punétatis bali fubcordatis biglandulofis, nedtarii
radiis exterioribus compreflb-clavatis obtuus.
Pafliflora biflora. Cavan. B iffi de Pqffifl. 457, t. 288.
------------ punótata Hortulanorum.
Granadilla folio lunato, flore parvo, albo ; fruftu fucculento ovato Houftouni. Martyn. Ic. rar. 52.
ex avEoritate fpeciminis in Herb. Bankf.
A n g l . Crefcent-leaved Paflìon-flower.
Ad Veram Cruccm, Mexico, legit Hauftoun, qui et Horto Chelfeano mifit. “ In Jamaica invenit Gul.
Wright, M . B .” Alton Hort'. Kew. Figura nojlrà ad exemplarium ex Horto Chelfeano delineata e jl.
Toto anno Jloret in caldario B . Salijbury, Allertante in Comit. Eboracenfi.
Frutex cultus altitudine pedes triginta fuperat
R adix ramofo-fibrofa.
C aules plures, bafi lignoG, teretiufculi j fuperne acutanguli, ftriati, fere herbacei; laeviufculi,
cirrhis fcandentes, alterne ramofi, foliofi.
F o l i a alterna, petiolata, patentia, bafi obfolete cordata, biloba, lobis valde divaricatis, elongatis,
integerrimis, obtufis, apice fetula armatis (porro fetula media inter lobos fita eft); venofa,
laste viridia, periiftentia, fuperne laevia, inferne fubglaucefcentia, utrinque inter venas majores
lineà punfilarum melliferarum notata.
P etio li breves, teretiufculi, leviflimè pubefeentes, eglandulofi.
Stipulte parvae, femi-lanceolatas, acutas, integerrimz, lasves.
Cirrhi axillares, fimplices, fpirales, longiifimi, glabri.
Flores axillares, bini, pedunculati, nutantes, mane expanfi, odore mellis.
Pedunculi petiolis duplo longiores, uniflori, teretes, apice ineraflkti, leviflimè pubefeentes, arti-,
2 B R A C T E iE