O B S E R V A T I O N' i .,5
We have fcarcely any fcruple in removing this genus to the Monadelphia, as Profeflbr Schreber
has done ; it were to be wiflied we'could as eafily decide, concerning its charaóter and limits.
The very accurate Mr. Sàliibury unites with it thè genera of'Ferraria and Morea, the firft o f
which differs in having its llyle divided at the top into fix parts, the latter in having feparate
(lamina, i f fuch marks may be judged fufficient. In fo natural an order o f plants nothing is
more difficult than to find generic characters that ihall be liable, and not fet afide b y every new
fpecies that comes in our way.
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I G U R E .
1. An outer petal feen on its infide. -
2. A n inner petal.
3. Germen and organs o f fructification.
4. Stamen and anthera.
5. Stigma.
All o f their natural magnitude.