i s ]
W A C H E N D O R F I A paniculata.
Pantcled achendorfia.
T R I A N D R I A Monogynia.
E s sent . C har. Corolla o f 6 petals, irregular, below the germen. Capfule 3-celled.
Specific C har.. Stalk many-cluilered ; leaves plaited.
Syn. W. paniculata. Linn. Sp, PL 59.. Burin. Monogr. \ .f . 1.
Alphodelus latifolius, floribus patulis, flavefcentibus, rubicundis intus maculis notatis. Breyn.
Prod. 3. 22. t. g , f I.
Gathered at the Capè o f Good Hope in a fandy fo il, by M r. Francis Majfon. R . A . Salijbwry. Our figure
was drawn from a plant in the Garden o f Mr. Lee at the Vineyard, Hammerfmith. u
Plant when in flower a foot high.
R oot perennial, a little creeping-, furnifhed with] oblong cylindrical and nearly perpendicular
tubercles. • ~ -
L eaves radical, two-ranked, lèdile, equitant, vertical, fpreading, dilated on the inner fide at the
bafe, channelled, linear-lanceolate, pointed, entire, nervous, plaited, fmooth, bright green, very
like thofe o f W. thyrfiflora, but only one third as large, dying foon after the plant has done
flowering, and not appearing again for fome months, b y which, according to Mr. Saliibury, this
fpecies is principally diftinguilhed from W. thyrfiflora.
St a lk ereft, cylindrical, bearing one or two fmall leaves, branched, many-flowered. General
Jlower-Jlalks alternate, fpreading, racemofe, bearing from 3 to 5 flowers, cylindrical, downy.
Partial ones Ihort, downy, all directed upwards, fingle-flowered. BraBea folitary at the bafe o f
each o f the flower-ftalks, oblong, pointed, membranous, externally downy, foon withering, the
uppermoft gradually fmaller.
Ca l yx none.
Pe t a l s fix, fomewhat irregular, obovate, pointed, fpreading, yellow, externally downy and reddifh;
the three uppermoft Handing neareft together, and marked near the bafe with a purple or greeniih
femilunar fpot, common to them all.
Stamina. Filaments length o f the corolla, cylindrical, bent, curved upwards, fmooth, yellow.
Anthcra verfadle, reddiih.
P lS T IL L U M .