C 4 ]
H E D E R A capitata.
Clufter-flowered Ivy.
PENTANDRIA Monogynia. timers 5 pctaled, above the gerrtm.
E s s e n t . C h a r . Petals fiv e , o b lo n g . Berry fiv e - fe e d e d , e n c i r c le d with th e c a ly x .
S p e c if ic C h a r . Leaves elliptical, entire: racemi compound, terminal j flowers feflile
in little heads.
Syn. Aralia capitata. Jacq. Stirp. Arncr. 89, t . 6 t. Swartz. Prod. 55. Aiton. Hort. Kew. V 1. 382.
This fin e plant was difcovered in the woods o f Martinico by Profejfor Jacquin, and in Jamaica by D r. Wm.
Wright and Mr. Francis Mqffbn, Ite x ified in th e colle&iofpof the late much lamented Marquis o f Rockingham
long before the year 1777, but from,what country procured is not inozon. I t flow eredfor th efirfi
time in Europe in theflove o f the Mgrchionefs in 1787, as well as every yearfince, but having never pro-
dycedfeeds, is propagated by cuttings.
SiEM arbbrefcent, eight feet high in the ftoye^ereft, cylindrical, abruptly branched. Bark brown,
a little cracked. Branches curved upwards, leafy, tenninatedTiy'flowers!
L eaves fcattered, more crowded towards the tops o f the branches, onfootftalks, wide fpreading,
elliptical, pointed, entire, waved on the margin, very fmooth, obfcurely three-nerved, veiny,
bright green. Foot/talks various in length, nearly cylindrical, fmooth, firmly fixed to the branch
b y an enlarged triangular bale. Stipule none. Buds confifting o f feveral large, roundilh, fmooth
yelloWifii fcales, foon felling off, which are often tipped with the rudiments o f a leaf, and appear
like abortive leaves.
R acemus terminal, ereft, compound; ifs branches generally alternate, ending in little round heads
o f many feflile flowers. Common FootftaXks obfoletely angular, pale green, fprinkled with rufty-
coloured powder; Partial ones cylindrical. BraSlea folitary at the bafe o f the latter, fmair concave,
pointed, entire, powdery.
Flowers numerous, white, fo fmall that their ftru&ure is not readily to be underftood • each-{lands
on its proper involucrum re'fembling a calyx o f one leaf, in five divifions, externally powdery,
Ca l yx encircling the germen, very finall, five-toothed, pale green, fmooth, permanent.