P A S S I F L O R A lunata.
Crefcent-leaved Paffion-flower.
G Y N A N D R I A . Pentandria.
E ssen't / CÍhár. Styles' g. Corolla in feii fegrftents. NeElary crowned with rays. Berry
on- a footftalk.
S ed io li 2 . ILéàves two-lobed.
SpecirÍc C ü Ar. Leaves two-lobed, d o tted ; a t the bafe iligh tly cordated and
marked w ith tw o glands: the outer rays o f the nedtary club-ihaped, compreffed
and obtufe.
Syn. Pafliflora biflora. Cavan. D iff. de Pafflfl. 457, t. 288.
■ — pundlata o f the Gardens.
Granadilla folio lunato, flore parvo, albo; frudlu fucculento, ovato, Houftouni. Martyn. Ic.
rar. 52 .a s appears by dfpecimen in the herbarium o f S ir Jofeph Banks, Bart.
Gathered at Vera Cruz by D r. Houfloun, who fe a t feeds o f it to the Chelfea Garden. “ Found by D r.
William Wright in Jamaica.” Aiton Hort. Kern. The fpecimen here figured came from Chelfea
Garden. This plant flow ers'a ll the year in th e fle o s o f R.- A.- SaUfbury, Efq, at Chapel AUerton,
York/hire., |
R o ot branched, fibrous.
S tems fevéfal, above go feet high in a cultivated líate ; roundifh and woody at the bafe ; in the
upper part acutely angular,- ftriated, almofl herbaceous ; nearly fmooth, climbing b y means o f
tendrils, alternately branched, leafy.
L eavbs alternate,' on footflalks, patulous, fomewhat heart-fhaped at the bafe, two-lobed, lobes
v ery remote,, elongated, entire, obtufe,. terminated b y a fmall briflle, fimilar to one placed
between them in the middle o f the leaf ; the leaves are veined, bright green and permanent,
fmooth above,- underneath a little glaucous ; each lobe is marked with .a feries o f neflariferous
dots between.,the larger veins.
Footfalhs fhort, roundifh, Ilightly downy, without glands.
Stipula fmall, femi-lance-fhaped, acute, entire, fmooth.
T endrils axillary, Ample, fpiral, very long, fmooth.
Flowers axillary, two together, on flower flalks, drooping ; they open early in ;the day, and
fmell like honey.
Flower Stalks twice as long as the footflalks, round, fwelling at the top, ilightly downy,
jointed, each bearing a Angle flower.
2 Br ac te /e