Pistillum. Germen above the corolla, fmall, roundilh. Style pointing upwards, length o f the
ftamina, red towards the top. Stigma marked with a hollow depreflion, fmooth, fmall.
Capsule invefted wife the decayed corolla, three-celled, three-valved. Seeds folitary, roundilh,
O B S E R V A T I O N S .
This fpecies is impatient o f cold, and rarely flowers in England, as W . thyrfiflora frequently does.
The latter always appears covered with luxuriant leaves in the open air; the former even in a
green-houfe lofes its leaves foon after flowering, and. does not recover them till the end o f
winter. Its flowers appear in the fpring. They are beautiful, but have no fragrance.
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I G U R E .
1. Stamen and anthera.
2. Germen bearing the ltyle.
3. Stigma magnified.
4. Ripe capfule burfting, invefted with the
decayed corolla.
5. Seed
6. Ditto magnified.
7. Tranfverfe fe&ion o f the feed, the natural
- fize. •
C 5 ]
W A C H E N D O R F I A paniculata.
T R I A N D R I A Monogenia.
Char. E s sent . Corolla hexapetala, inaequalis, infera. Capfula trilocularis.
W A C H E N D O R F I A fcapo polyftachio, foliis plicatis.
W. paniculata. Linn. Sp. Pl-SQ- Wonogr. 4. / . 1.
Afphodelus latifolius, floribus patulis, flave fcentibus, rubicundis intus maculis notatis. Breyn.
Prod. 3. 22. t. Q ,f. 1.
A ngl. Panicled Wachendorfia.
Ad Caput Bona Spei, locis arenofis, legit Francifcus Maffbn. R . A . Sali/bury. Figura no/tra ex horto
Domini Lee delineata e jl. ^
Pla n t a florens pedalis.
Radix perennis, paululum repens ; tuberculis oblongo-cylindricis, fubverticalibus.
Eo l ia radicalia, bifària, felfilia, equitantia, verticalia, patentia, bali margine interiore dilatata, cana-
i liculata, lineari-lanceolata, acuta, integerrima, nervofa, plicata, glabra, late viridia, W. thyrfiflora
I fimillima; fed triplo minora, poft'florefcentiam decidua, nec nifi poft aliquos menfes renafcentia,
I quà notà a W. thyrfiflorà fecundum Cl. Salilbury pracipue ha c noftra diftinguitur.
S ca pus ereftus, teres, folio ùnico vel altero parvo inftru£has, ramofus, multiflorus. Pedunculi alite
ra i, patentes, racemofi, 3— 5 fiori, teretes, pubefcentes. Pedicelli breves, pubefcentes, fecundi,
Urefti, uniflori. Brattea folitaria ad bafin pedunculorum & pedicellorum, oblonga, acuta,
membranacea, extus pubefcentes, citò marcefcentes, fuperiores fenfim minores.
C A yx nullus.
Petala fex, par uni inaqualia, obovata, acuta, patentia, flava, extus pubefcentia et rubicunda, quo-
rum tria fuperiora magis approximata macula communi lunatà purpurea vel viridefcente verfus
bafin notantur.
Stamina. Filamento, longitudine corolla, teretiufcula, geniculata, adfcendentia, glabra, flava.
Anthera verfatiles, pallide rubra.
Fisti llum. Germen fuperum, fubrotundum, parvum. Stylus adfcendens, longitudine ftaminum,
fupernè ruber. Stigma depreflò-peltatum, glabrum, parvum.
C a p s u l a corolla marcidà perfiftente veftita, trilocularis, trivalvis. Semina folitaria, fubrotunda,
fcabra. ,