Stamina;:. Filamento. o S o ^ b in d e 6. yeKi'p, longitudine corollae; aequalia, patenti»; fubulata,
rubra. Antherce didymae, grifeas, polline luteo.
P is t illum . Germen nullum. Styli duo vel tres (rarius folitarii) mandilares, conniventes, purpurei,
ilaminibus duplo breviores. Stìgm ataohtuh.
O B S E R V A T I O N E S .
Ad Cynue divaricationes fubinde inveniuntur flores aliquot magis perfetti, quinquefidi, càlycè
parvo quinquedentato, ftylis tribus, divaricatis, germine infero triloculari, gaudentes ; hi vero
immaturi marcefcunt, nec ftrutturam fruttùs clarè nobis exhibent. De genere itaque minus
certi fumus. Si fruttus capfula-polyfperma fit, ad Hydrangeam benè rétulerimus; ficóritrà
bacca in .ftatu maturo monojperma, ad Viburnum amapdanda erit; neque quin huic vel illi
propria fit, pace Commerfonii & Juflìèui,'nobis verifimile videtur. Hydrangeam potius, ignoto
fruttu, judicamus,' i°. obfiamma petalis duplo numerbfiora, ncque, numero aequalia ; 2°. ob ha-
bitum Hydrangeae arborefcenti Linn. fimillimum ; 30. ob fummam affinitatem cum Hydrangeà
radiati Walt. Fi. Carol, cujus flores quinquefidi decandri, atque trigyni, faepiflìme radiati,
quadrifidi, ottandri, germine orbati fiunt, ftylifque abortivis, ut omnino in noftra pianta. Cha-
rafteres igitur harum fpecierum praeftat dare.
1. Hydrangea (arborefcens) foliis ovatis glabris, ftaminibus alternis longioribus.
H. arborefcens. L in n . Sp. P I. 568. M ill. Ic. 251. pejfima, A it. Hurt. Kew. V. 2. 76.
Habitat in Virginia, Canada. »?
2. Hydrangea (radiata) foliis lobati? fubtus tomentofis.
H. radiata. Walt. FI. Carol. 251.
Habitat in Carolina, Walter; in Florida, Bartram. b
Brevem deferiptionem dedit optimus defunftus Walter, fed bene monuit capfulam.hujufce generis
nullo modo circumfciflam effe, ut, nefeio qua ratione, voluit Linnaeus in expolitiombus
generum plantarum, Mant. 141.
3. Hydrangea (hortenfis). Vide fupra.
E X P L. T A B .
1. Calyx monftrofus.
2. Flos in centra ejus.
3. Idem feorfim auftus.
4. Petalum auitum.
5. Stamen audum cum anthera.
6. Calyx floris in ftatu, ut videtur, naturali.
7 . Calyx femimonftrofus.
8. Styli tres.
9 . feorfim, aufti.
H Y D R A N G E A hortenfis.
Chinefe Guilder-Rofe.
D E C A N D R I A Digynia.
G e n . C h a r . Corolla o f fiv e petals. Calyx in fiv e d iv ifion s , fu pe rio r. Capfule w ith
tw o c e lls , tw o be aks , an d many feeds.
Sp e c . C h a r . Leaves elliptical, ferrated, very fmooth. Stamina all o f an equal
Syn. Hortenfia. J itff. Gen. 214."
Viburnum ferratum. Thunb. Jap. 124?
Primula mutabilis. Lowreir Cochinch. 104. with a good defcription, though an abfurd name.
Sijo. Kampf. E xot. 854. according to Kaempfer’s drawings in the Britilh Mufeum.
L ’Obier de la Chine a fleurs incarnates. Buchoz, Plantes de la Chine, tab. 45.
The native place o f th isp la n t we have not been able to learn. It is ufuaUy cultivated in the gardens o f
China and Japan, from whence it was introduced into the Kew garden by Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart,
in 17g o. We are indebted to the right honourable Lady Vifcomtefs Cremome fo r this di/lingui/hed
ornament to our work, h
T his Jhrub, whofe habit approaches to that o f the Viburnum and Sambucus, is extremely valued
b y florifts on account o f the great profufion o f its very elegant flowers, which are double,
in the fame unufual manner as thole o f the European Guilder-Ftofe Viburnum Opulus. We have
therefore been able to obtain this double variety only, with whole delcription we now prefent
the public, till we are fortunate enough to procure the flowers in their natural ftate.
R oot fibrous, much branched, whitilh.
Stems feverai growing clofe together, erefit, Ihrubby, branched, round, with a fmooth brown
bark. Branches oppofite, each pair crolfing the others, round, fmooth, leafy, green fcattered
with dark purple fpots, flowering at the top.
L eaves oppofite, on foot-ftalks, fpreading and curved backwards, elliptical, obtufely pointed,
ferrated, entire towards the bafe, bright green, pale beneath, very fmooth on both fide?, veiny,
deciduous ? Foot-ftalks Ihort and thick, fmooth, pale, channelled above. Stipule none:
C ymes terminal, the fize and figure o f the common Guilder-Rofe, and like that almoft entirely
compofed o f radiated abortive flowers, o f a beautiful rofe colour, inodorous, green when
young as well as in decay. Flowerflalks varioufly fubdivided, fmooth, fometimes hairy-,