Flowers ereCt, expanded ip the funfhine onlyyfcendefs, beautiful^ extremely elu an t even when
Ca l yx L eaves equal,. linéàr-lâncpplatëj Wuptiih. (.p.ate green, bordp.rednwith recb externally
downy, permanent.
Petals four times as long as the calyx/ ;obovate,i obtufe, 'feparate at thprbafe, but a litde above it
united into a tube, then again feparated, folded over each other to the left, white with an ex-
quifite red border, yellow; at the bafe. -
S t a m i n a ten, o f which the five longeft are but half the length-of the corolla, a little united at their
bafe, whitiih. Antheræ yellow, didymous. Five other very fhort filaments, deftitute o f antheræ,
are obfervable attached to the longer ones, and Handing between the ihorter.
P i s t i l l u m ! GermetiSuperior, fmall, five fided, fmoolh, pellucid, full o f litde protuberances occa-
fioned b y the prominent rudiments o f the feeds. Styles five, ereft, the length of-the longer
ftamina,-white, Ihaggy. Stigmas tufted, yellow.
Fruit a capfule, which has not ye t come to perfection in this country.;
e x p l a n a t i o n O F t h e F I G U R E .
1. Calyx {landing on the flower-ftalk. 5. Antheræ magnified.
2. Corolla feparate, in its expanded ftate. 6. Germen and ftyles.
3. The fame clofed; 1 ; > - ;■; -, .■ V 7 , The. fame magnified.
4., Stamina.