P is t i llum . Girmm fmall, didymous, fmooth. Style the length o f the ftamina, fmooth, fwelling
toward the top, permanent \Stigmah\5.d , acute.
Capsule didymous, fmooth, pale brown, ihorter than the calyx, two celled.
Seeds numerous, fmall, angular, black, rugged.
O B SvEvR v A I I O N S.
This’ v e iy elegant plant is eafily propagated. No deferiptioh orpamtingcan e^iteS the infimte
variety o f its flowers..
It is not eafy to define the exaft fpecific difference between this and two Linnaan fpecies, A . jun-
ceum <& vlfcofum,; which have alio wborled leaves on the radical fhoots. The chief differences
I have beeni able to deleft'are the following. '
A . junceum is much finaller than the other two, and almoft entirely fmooth. Its braftea are fmooth
and only one third the length o f the flower-ftalk; its calyx very flightly downy, corolla yellow,
palate orange coloured; and leaves fcarcely more than three in each whorl . r-
A . vifcofum is very like our plant in habit, as well as in the hairinefe o f its calyces and flower-ftalks;
but I think it is fufficiently diftinguilhed b y its filiform flower-ftalks, prefled clofe to the ftem, and
twice as long as the brafteas, not to mention its corolla being (according to Linnaus) entirely
deep yellow. I have feen this fpecies only in the Linnaan herbarium, never growing. It muft be
obferved that our figure having been drawn from a young plant, reprefents the radical fhoot
not fufficiently advanced to ihew the whorled leaves.
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I G U R E .
1. Calyx.
2. 2. Corolla.
3. The two pairs of Stamina feparate
All in their natural fize.
4. Piftilhim.
5. Ripe Capfule.
6. Seeds.
A N T I R R H I N U M reticulatum.
D I D Y N A M I A Angiofp ermia.
C har. E ssent . Calyx pentaphyllus. Corolla bafis déoritim prominens, neftarifera.
Capfula bilocularis.
Seftio 3. Foliis alternis.
AX A .N T I R R H IN U M foliis linearibus canaliculatis fparfis: furculorum radicaliqm
fubquinis, calycibus hiriutis, pedunculis brafteis brevioribus.
A ngl. Reticulated Toad-flax.
In Algirid leg it peregrinator indefefus Renatus Lowche Desfontciines, hodie Botanica Profeffirr Parißis,
qui et hortò regio PariJUnß mißt. Mine; f avente amici/fimo Tfiouino, f emina ejus accepi, qua in horto
üielfeano, fa litis' adhibitis optimi Fairbaimii curis, U te germinavermt, ac flores perbellos primo anno
(178,8) tulerunt. «
R adix perennis, ramola, fibrofa.
Caüles herbacei, erefti, ramofi, foliofi, ' teretes,'glauci, glabri. ^ Surculi radicales plures, decum-
bentes, foliofi, breves.
Fo lia caulìna fparfa, linearia, obtufiufeula, integerrima, canaliculata, nuda, glauca; furculorum
radicalium breviora, obtufiora, verticillata, plerumque quina, fubinde quaterna vel fena, rarius ad
bafin alterna. Stipula nullse.
Flores racemofi, caulem ramulofque terminantes, yerficplori, yalde fpeqiofi; inodori. Pedunculi
alterni, fimplices, breves, uniflori, erefto-patentes, hirfuti et fubvifcofi. Braüea folitarim ad bafin
pedunculorum, patentes, longitudine pedunculi cum calyce, Ianceolatas, hirfutae, margine fubinde
Cal ycis foliola inaequalia, lanceolata, acutiufcula, carinata, margine membranacea, extus hirfuta,
fubvifeida, perfiftentia.
Co ro ll a calyce triplo longior. Calcar fubconicum, acutum, parum incurvum, pedunculo duplo
longius, pallide flavum, ftriatum. Labium fuperius ereftum, bifidum ; laciniis acutis, divaricatis,
ftriatis, ante explicationem purpureis, dein fanguineis, poftea violaceis, dorfo pubefeentibus palli-
dioribufque : inferius breve, trifidum, lacinia intermedià minore, fanguineum. Palatum magnum,
bilobum, aureum, lineis fanguineis pulcherrime reticulatum, extus lieve, intus linea duplici
villorum per feucem decurrentium notaium.
Stamina inclufa, per paria approximata, albida, lsevia. Anthera flava.