Stamin a . BlamtnU Gx, as lo n g as the O T roiy marly equal,, almoft e * a , thread-lhaped, white,
clothed a little above the bale with numerous very llender, white, pellucid, I™». wl“ * are
moil beautifully jointed like a Conferva, and are t e l | h t Ihorter than the Itamen, Handing
nearly ereft. aMMM wedge-lliaped, vertical; y e 'llo k fmooth; entire at the top, bearing pol-
len at their orange-coloured edges.
PisTimuM. Germm fuperior, renndilh,' te ta g iiW , fmioth, white. Styk ereS, as iong as the
ftamina, fimple, cylindrical, white and fmooth. fmall, obtufe. rough,
Capsuce three-celled, three waived, fcarcely fo large as a pea, fmooth, turning red,. S t 'is foil-
tary, fomewhat kidney-fhaped.
O B S E R V A T 1 ° N s -
This very bandfome plant reqm'res the heat o f a Hove, in whip]} Gtuation if $11 abundantljrpro-
pagate itfelf b y feeds and offlets, fo that,, though fome time fince i f t rarity made ,ft highly
efteemed, it is now fuperabundant in the Englilh gardens, infomuch as to be alinoft efteemed
an incumbrance. I have no where feen it more luxuriant than at Mr. Salilbury's.
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I G U R E .
i . Flower fep'arated from its brafte®.
a. Stamen and anthera.
'3. The fame magnified.
4. Germen and ftyle.
5. Fruit.