S tamina longitudinepetalorum, patentiá. Filamento, fimplicia, fubulata. Anther# fubrotundas,
didymas, flavefcentes.
P is t i llum . Germen compreflo-fubrotundum, didymum, glabrum, coftis elevatis quinqué utrin-
que, fulcis intermediis latitudine fere sequalibus. Slyli duo, ftaminibus duplo breviores ; bafi
connati, incraffati ; fuperne divaricati. Stigmata fimplicia.
Fhhctos .didymus, e feminibus duobus, ovatis, glabris, intus planis, extus lineis quinqué, pa-
rum elevatis, notatis.
O B . S E R V A T I O N K S.
Planta haec tam rara atque incognita eft ut fere nulla alia Europxa. Nullibi enimvero, nifi ip
Cornubia, unquam inventa e f t ; ubi etiam per feculi dimidium botanicorum oculos Anglicorum,
avide licet inquirendum, fefellit, donee tandem felicior'D. Pennington in lucem produxit.
Nec rara tamen in patril fuS enafcitur, neque difficilis inventu quibus locum natalem adire con-
tigit. Cum nulla hujus ftirpis exftet reprefentatio, nifi parva ifta Petiveriana, ut et incompleta,
ne dicam erronea, Dillenii; figuram noftram, quamvis ex afpeftu planta: minus fbrmofam, bota-
nicis curiofis haud ingratam fore fpero. Tabula enim Dilleniana (in Raii Synopfi) tali modo con-
fufa eft, ut folia caulina pro radicalibus facile defumi poffunt; hinc etiam erronea evafit differentia
fpecifica Linnaei, qui plantam ex icone tantummodo defcripfit.
Radix fucco refinofo flavo fcatet.
E X P L. T A B.
1. Flos, magnitudine naturali. 5. Semen maturum e parte extéma.
2. Idem au&us. 6. Idem e parte interiori.
3. Germen cum calyce et ftylis. . 7. Sectio ejufdem.
4. Seclio germinis auóta.
L I G U S T I C U M cornubienfe.
Camijh Lavage,.
P E N T A N D R I A Digynia. Umbelliferous. .
Gen. C h a r . Fruit oblong, with five furrows on each fide. Corolla equal.
Petals rolled in, undivided.
Spec. C h a r . Radical leaves twice compounded, cut; thofe on the ftem temate,
lanceolate, entire. Furrows o f the feeds obfolete.
Sy n . Ligufticum cornubienfe. lin n . Sp. P I. 359. Hudf. FI. Angl. 118. With. Bot. A rr. 289.
Smymium tenuifolium noftras. R a ii Syn. 209. t. 8.
Cornwall Saxifrage. Petiv. Herb. B rit. t. 2 6 ./ . g.
Grows in thickets and Hedges in Cornwall. This very rare plant was jir jt found, fm ce the days o f
Buddie, by Mr. Pennington in 1788. I am obliged to my good frien d Sir Thomas Cullum, B a rt,fo r
afpccinten o f it gathered by him felf near Bodmin in that county in 1789-, from which, a jjip d by a
living fpecimen communicated from the garden o f the B ritifh Mufeum by M r. Dickfon, the prefent
fig u re has been delineated. U
R o o t perennial, fpindle-fhaped, contraaed in theuppef part, defending perpendicularly very
far, having a*few elongated terminal fibres.
Stem two or three feet in height, ersfl, branched, many flowered, round, ftriated, roughilh,
purple at the bafe, annual.
L eaves (the radical ones) on foot-ftalks, fpreading upwards, twice temate, broader than long;
leaflets oppofite, on foot-ftalks, varioufly and deeply cut, ribbed, full o f net-like veins, their
divifions generally alternate, acute, decurrent, entire, rough at the margin as well as at the ribs
on both fides. Foot-fialks roundifh, ftriated, rough, channelled above, dilated and fomewhat
membranous at the bafe. Stem-leaves folitary at each divifion o f the ftem, fmall, temate; leaflets
feflile, lanceolate, acute, fcarpely ever lob ed ; fo o tfla lk dilated, a little membranous, concave,
ftriated, half embracing the ftem. Uppermofi leaves obfolete, and confiding o f the membranous
foot-ftalk only.
Umbels terminal, ereft, compound, many-flowered.
General Involucrums o f 6 or 8 lanceolate, acute, undivided, ribbed, fpreading leaves, much
fhorter than the umbel, and permanent.
Partial like the general ones, but fomewhat lefs.
Rays both general and partial (lender, round, ftriated, fmooth.
Flowers white, equal, all hermaphrodite.
Ca l yx