S t a m i n a . Fihunenta duo, bail corollæ, e parte anticâ, infería, limbo vix' æquantia, parum incurva,
iimplicia, linearía, angulofa, pubefcentia, helvola. Anthères lineares, obtufæ, bafi bilobæ, in-
eumbentes, helvolæ.
Pistillum. Germen fuperum, receptáculo albido, carnofo infidens, ovatum, compreffum, late-
ribus fulcatum, viride, glaberrimum. Stylus flaminibus paulo longior, filiformis. Stigma mi-
nutum, bifidum.
O B S E R V A T I O N E S .
Spe&abilis hsec JuíUcise fpecies ex India occidentali delata, omnes alias, cultas faltem, magnitudine
fuperat, et in caldario fere arborefcit, flores vero fpeciofos fuos rarius, nfec nifi adulta proferì.
Taléis non difficile, propagato. Folia trita, odorem herbaceum, Trifoiiorum- quorun-
dam haud abfimilem fpirant. Flores inodori funt.
E X P L. T A B .
1. Brafteæ minores cum calyce.
2. Infertio ilaminum in tubo corollæ.
3. Germen cum ftylo, receptáculo infidens.
I 8 J '
J U S T I C I A coccínea.
Scarlet-flowered Jifticia.
D I A N D R I A Monogynia. Flowers inferior, monopetalousi irregular.
Fruit capfular.
G e n . C h a r . Corolla ringent. Capfule tw o - c e lle d , burfting from the e la fticity
’ !of .its ba fe .
Section 1 . Shrubby.
SpeG. C h a r . Shrubby. Corolla two-lip ped; the upper lip undivided. Leaves and
the bra&ese o f the fpikes elliptical, acuminated. Antherae parallel. Solander.
Syn. Jufticia coccinea. Aublet's Guiana, V 1. 10. i . 3. A it. Hort. Kew. V. 1. 26.
Found by Aublet on the banks o f rivers in the i/land o f Cayenne, flowering in Oftober, November and
December. In the Marchionefs o f Rockingham's flove it flowers in fummer. h
S tem fix feet high, fhrubby, nearly ereft, round, branchy; bark fmooth, brown, cracking longitudinally.
Branches ereft, leafy, fwelled at the infertion o f the leaves; the younger ones flightly
quadrangular, fmooth.
L eaves about the tops o f the branches, oppofite, on foot-ftalks, fpreading but a little deflexed,
elliptico-lanceolate, pointed, entire, waved, veiny, dull green, fmooth; veins alternate. Foot-
Jlalks fhort, roundifh. Stipules none.
Spikes terminal, moftly folitary, ereft, fimple, denfe, many-flowered, at length appearing lateral
from the growing out o f young branches. Common Flower-flalk refembling the branch, roundifh.
Larger BraBeee nearly alternate, fhaped like the leaves, but much fmaller, nearly ereft, flightly
downy, one to each flower; fmaller ones two together above each o f the larger, minute, linear,
acute, fcarcely perceptible in the upper part o f the fpike.
Flowers feffile, one between each pair o f the fmaller brafteas, ereft, large, handfome, fcarlet,
becoming tawny in decay.
Ca l y x fmall, five-cleft; fegments acute, inflexed, flightly downy.
Corolla an inch and half long, tubular, ringent, incurved, angular; the angles flightly downy ;
the limb four-cleft; its upper fegment broadeft, recurved at the tip, notched; three lower ones
equal, linear-oblong, obtufe, entire, pendulous.
Stam ina.