O B S E R V A T I O N E S.
Hoc genus ad Monadelphiam cum CL Schrebero reducere v ix dubitamus ; utinam de charadtere
ejus atque limitibus minus incerti foremus. Àccuratiffimus R. A. Salifbury cum hoc conjungit
Ferrariam et Moneam, quarum prior difcrepat ftylo apice fexfido, pofterior flaminibus diftinttis,
modo haec fufficiant. In ordine tam naturali difficiliimi funt inventu characteres generici fta-
biles, nec nova quadam allatà fpecie, lubrici.
E X P L . T A !
1 . Petalum exterius e parte interna.
2. ■ ■ -— interius.
3. Germen cum genitalibus.
4. S tamen cum anthera.
5. Stigma.
Omnia magnitudine naturali.
S I S Y R I N C H I UM ilriatum.
Yellow ßriated Sifyrinchium.
M O N A D E L P H I A Triandria.
G e n . C h a r . Style o n e . Spatha tw o - le a v ed . Petals fix , p la n e . Capfule th r e e -
c e lle d , in fe r io r . Stigmas thre e.
Sp e c . C h a r . Leaves fword-ihaped. Stem two-edged, much branched, many
flowered. Flowers advancing beyond the fpatha.
This plant wasfent from Italy by P . Stephens, Efq. to Mr, Forjyth, to whom we are obliged fo r this fp e-
cimen. It thrives and Jlowers abundantly with us in the open ground» but its native country we have
yet to learn. 4
Root tuberous, tufted, perennial.
Stem two feet high, ereft, two-edged, fmooth, much branched, leafy, many flowered.
L eaves fword-ihaped, pointed, entire, flightly ribbed, glaucous, fmooth, with.a little membranous
border •, radical ones equitant; Jlem ones alternate, embracing the Item. Stipule none.
Flowers in terminal and lateral heads, a little drooping, very numerous but fhort-lived, with
fcarcely any fmell, pale yellow ftreaked with purple, the colours ftrongeft on the outfide.
S p a t h i e in this fpecies rather to be faid to confift o f a fingle leaf, concave, carinated, acute,
ribbed, with a membranous margin; the external one largeft; but fhorter than the flowers,
and enfolding them along with the interior fpatha? which are much fmaller, and one to each
F lower- stalks about the length o f the outer fpatha, triangular, fingle-flowered.
Petals obovate, obtufe with a little point, at the bafe flightly connefted and fpotted within,
fomewhat concave, with a fpreading limb; the three outermofl a little the fmalleft.
Stam ina. Filaments fhorter than the corolla, united into a tube for more than half their length,
fpreading in the upper part, fmooth. Anthera verfatile, fmall.
P i s t i l lu m . Germen inferior, roundifh, fmooth, green. Style the length o f the ftamina, three-
cleft in the upper part. Stigmas notched.
C a p s u l e roundifh, three-lob ed, v a lv es carinated a t the back.
O B S E R -