Ca lycis folióla aequalia, lineari-lanceolata, obtufiufcula, pallide viridia rubro marginata, extus
pilofa, perfiftentia.
Pé t a la calyce quadruplo longiora, obovata, obtufa, bali libera, parum fupra bafin in tubum connata,
dein feparata, fibi finiftrorfum incumbentia, alba, omnium concinnè rubro marginata, bafi
Stamina decem, quorum quinqué longiora corolla duplo breviora, fubmonadelpha, albida. An-
thera lutese, didym*. Adfunt edam inter ftamina breviora filamenta quinqué breviffima, nautica,
longioribus adnata.
Pistillum. Germen fuperum, parvum, pentagonum, feminum rudimentis extus prominentibus to-
rulofum, glabrum, pellucidum. Styli quinqué, ere&i, longitudine ftaminum longiorum, ..albi,
villofi. Stigmata penicilliformia, flava.
Fructum maturum nondum apud nos perfecit.
E X P L . T A B.
1. Calyx pedúnculo infîdens.
2. Corolla feorfim, expanfa.
3* — • claufa.
4. Stamina.
5. Antheræ, auôtæ.
6. Germen cum ítylis.
7. Idem auctum.
O X A L I S verfìcolor.
Striped-flowered Wood-forrel.
D E G A N D R I A P e n t a g y i i i a .
G e n . C h a r . C alyx fiv e -le a v e d . Petals unified b y th e ir claWs. Capfuls
penta gonal, b u r ftio g at it§ angles.., .
S e â io n 3. Leaves temate. Stem evident.
Se e c . C h a r . Stem ereft^ g en e ra lly fim p le . - Ij^ower-ftalks .fingle flowered. L e a v es
femafg* e lt ifte re d j leafets/. linear/ e ano sS iO n.the ip.nd er fide at the tip;
Syn. Oxalis verficolor. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 1. 434. ed. 2. 622. Thunberg’s B iff, on Oxalis, No. 19.
A it. Hort. Kew. V. 2. 114;, Gurit Mag. ti lggt
O. bulbofa, trifolia, foliis linearibus, obtulis ; flore externe rubro, interne cameo. Burnt. A fr. 65.
t. 27./ . 1. bad.
Gathered plentifully on hillocks and in field s at the fo o t o f moüntàîns at thé Cape o f Good Hope, by
the celebrated Profejfor Thunberg and D r. Sparrmann. I t flowers abundantly in the hot-houfes o f
Chelfea Garden in the winter, if .
R oot bulbous, ovate; fblid, White within, clofely inverted with a manifold; fitthj brown, fmooth
external covering ; throwing out from its bafe feveral very flender, zigzag, and' much branched
Stems folitary from each bulb, arifing from its bafe within the brown coating, ereft, a fpan high,
mollly fimple, rarely producing in a cultivated ftate one or two lateral branches, round, nearly
fmooth, a little zigzag ; very flender and white at the bafe ; bearing many leaves and flowers.
L eaves terminal, very thick fet, on long footrtalks, ternate, fpreading; leaflets fertile, linear,
obtufe (or rather narrow wedgefhaped), emarginated, entire ; fmooth above ; beneath a litde
hairy, and marked with two fmall prominent deep-yellow glands very near their extremity.
Foot-flalks thread-ihaped, flightly downy, fomewhat flattened on the upper fide, and having an
indiftintl kind o f joint near the bafe. Stipula; none.
Flower-stalks terminal among the leaves, numerous, ereft, fimple, fingle flowered, a little
longer than the leaves, furnilhed with a joint near the bafe, like that o f the foot-ftalks, but more
evident, round, pale, flighdy downy, with Ipreading horizontal hairs. BraElea two, a litde beyond
the middle o f each flower-ftalk, nearly oppofite, preifed to the ftalk, fmall, lanceolate,
acute, red, fmooth.