S t a m i n a . Filaments two, inferted into the bafe o f the corolla before, fcarcely fo long as the limb,
a little incurved, Ample, linear, angulated, downy, tawny. Anther# linear, obtufe, cloven at
the bafe, incumbent, tawny.
P is tillum . Germen fuperior, ftanding on a white flefhy receptacle, ovate, compreffed, furrowed
on the edges, green, very fmooth. Style a little longer than the ftamina, thread-fhaped. Stigma
minute, doven.
O B S E R V A T I O N S .
This elegant Weft-Indian Jufticia is the largeft fpecies, o f all thofe at leaft that are cultivated, and
grows in the hot-houfe almoft to the fize o f a tree; it prefents us but rarely however with its
beautiful flowers, which are only to be found on old plants. It is not difficult to increafe by
cuttings. The leaves when bruifed have an herbaceous lmell like fome trefoils; the flowers
have no fmell. ,t,.~
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I G U R E .
1. Smaller bradese with the calyx. 3. Germen, ftanding on the receptacle, with
2. The inferdon o f the ftamina into the tube its ftyle.