Properties and U/es.—The CaHfornian fettlers find the timber ferviceable for houfe purpofcs ; but our
knowledge of it is very limited, and no information has been obtained concerning its durability.
Cvlturc.—A good many plants are. now to be found in this country, but none of any great fize. A
fpccimen in Mr Gambicr Parry's Pinctum, at Mighnam Court, Glouccfterfhire, was feventeen feet high in
i8sg. It was killed by the fevcrity of the cold in i860, About a third of the plants of this fpecies reported
on by Mr Palmer fuccumbed to that winter. Mis tables Ihe%v its effefls on trees at nineteen
places in England, at nine of which trees were killed, at t\vo much injured, at three flightly injured, and
at five uninjured. In Scotland, he reports from only tiiree places: at one, plants were killed ; at another,
injured; and at a third they were uninjured. In the only place noted in Ireland, they were not injured.
His report on Mid-Lothian mentions that all the plants fent by j effrey were quite fafe, while thofe fcnt home
by another colleiflor had all died; a refult, no doubt, to be afcribcd to Jeffrey having gathered the feeds
which he fent, at the northern limits of the fpecies (Shaffa); while the others were probably colleded from
its (more acceffible) fouthern limits, near Monterey
Commercial Statijlics.—Price of feedlings in 1851, 63s. each i
each. In 1865, 12 to 18 inches, 3s. 6d, each ; 18 to 24 inches, 5s,
pots. In 1852,6109 inches, 211
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