.>N.-PrNUS TUBERCULATA, Doii, in Lin«. Tmns., xvii, p. 442 (1835), Lambert, GCKHS Pium. iii, (1837). Louclon,
iv,p, 2270 (1838), Loudon, i'/io'f^. /•'«s, p. 990 (1842), Anioinc, Cc«//, p, 33 (1840). Endlicher,
Syn. Conif.. p. 162 (1847)- Gordon, in Joum. HoH. Soc.. iv, p. 218 (1849), Knight, Syn. Conif. p, 30 (1850). Lindley
and Gordon, in Journ. Hort. Soc.. v, p. 816 (1850), Carrière, Traité Gin. dss Conif. p, 338 (1855), Cordon, Pimum.
p, 211 (1858), Cimthr 6y EdmiurgU Oregon PolaniccU Affociation, p, 2 (1852).
PINUS CALIFORXICA, Hartii-eg, in Jour». Hort. Soc.. ii. p. 189 (1847).
—Concs. Leaves, &e.. Lambert, Genus Pinus. loc. dl., t, 85; Loudon, Arbontum.loe.dt.. (ig. 2181; Encycl. of Trets, loc. cil.,
fig. 1850; Antoine. Canif. loe. cil., t. 14, fig. 2; Gordon, youm. Hort. Soc., iv. p. 219; Circular by Ediniurgh Oregon
Potamcal Affodation. lac. cil.. PI. ii , fig, 2.
Specific CharaHey.—P, foliis ternis fat elongatis craffis fubtortis, vaginis brcvibus; ftrobilis aggregatis
incfiuilaterc fub-conicis ; fi[uamai-uni apophyfi clcvato-pyramidata (juadrangidata, umbone brevi uncinato,
feminibus parvis, alis fat longis.
Habitat in California.
A tree of from 25 to 50 feet in height, ftem flraight. Branches few, thinly and irregularly fcattered.
green colour, four or five inches long, twifted, fo as to make a turn of an inch an<l a êhalf from bafe to tip ; ftiff, flrong, triquetral, rounded on the back, keeled on the inner
Buds* furrounded by imbricated fcales, moderate in fize and conical [fig. i]. Leaves in threes, of a light
fide; all three margins fh'ongly ferrate, bearing eight neariy eciually diflant rows of
flomata on the rounded back, with a flighdy wider intei-val in the middle ; and about
four on each fide of the inner fides (fometimes three, fometimes four, and fometimes
three on the one fide and four on the other), [figs, 2 and 3], Sheaths fliort anil fmall
ffisT, 4-1: dark iimher brown where expofed; re<kJifh brown where not expofed ; pale at
the tranflucent margins; fborter on the older leaves, Infiorefcence not ubferved. Cones aggregated
tngether m clufters, fclfile, growing chiefly on the main ftem, from which they fland out
nearly at right angles when young, pendent and firmly adpreffcd to it
when ol(i; nearly flraight on the inner fide, cur\'e<l on the outer, of an
unequal conical fhape, vary-ing in length from four to fix or even eight
inches; hard, gloffy, not refinous, fawn-coloured, but lofing this colour
and becoming darker when old. The cones on the young trees have ||]
the fcales on the outer fide, particularly towards the bafe, very prominent, projecting horizontally, ||i
conical, and <leeply divided from each other, giving occafion to the fpecific name iuberculaia [fig. |l
5 ], The cimes im the okl trees [fig. 6] lofe in a great meafure the flrongly tuberculate form. 1)/
Scales [fig, 7 ] wedge-ibapcd on the outer fide, dilated, and quadrangular at the apex, with a fhort ^
hooked tooth on the umbo, turnet! towards the tip of the cone; on the inner fide fmaller and flat; ''S 4-
the hooked tooth on their umbo being either abfent or a mere prickle. The fcales are arranged on a fpiral
* Tlic bud is not correctly drawn in the coloured plate, and is lhcrefi^^e reproduced in this place.