F I X U S J I - F F R E Y l.
.T PINUS JEFFRICYl- Iklfour in Circular by cir.y. IMm. Affu Carricre. rmit/ Cfn fUs Con,/, p 358 I
Gonlun, Pindu,«. p. 19S (1S5S). Murc.ny. m Udm N.:. /'/„/ f^^r. .Mctv .Srrics. April i860, si p 22*. an,!
EHin. Hot .Soe., vi'. p. 350.
-C,<ne -Balfour, «V.; Murray. / <•;/.
y-rf.—Murray, ei/
Specific Characler.—Pinus foliis ternis elongatis fortibus, vaginis longis laceris. Ilrobis fub-inc[|ualiter
oblongo-ovatis, fquamis apopliyfi mucronato, mucrone incurvato, feminibus ala jilus cluplo bn-vioribus.
Habitat in California prope Sbaita
idles long, glaucous y;rcen, fubtri angu lar, i
n the margins, with about lO flomata on
I- lltles.
Hinded on the outer
the rounded back.
A large tree. Leaves in threes, 8 o
fide, nightly keeled on the inner fide, ferrate o
anil 5 on each fide of the keel on the i'
Sheath brownilh, about i j inch long, with feparate
fcales at the bafe [fig. i J . The leaves grow only at
the end of the branch. The buds are rather large,
fwelling at the bafe and near the point, and covered
with a hoar\- bloom [fig. 2]. The bark of the young
twigs is firlt greenifli, then fawn-coloured: the pul-
\ ini are broad and flat [fig. 3]. The ..Ider branches
are brown. The infinrefcence has not yet k-en
obferved. Cones large, ovate, from 7 to 8 mche.s ^ ^
Ion;' and from 9 to 11 inchcs in circumfercnce at '''' ' " J -
the^roadefi part, nither more developed on the outer than the inner fide, which refts next the Item of the
brmch Scalcs inchlon.r, with a fmnewhat pyramidal apophyfis and a hooked umb.., the hook bemg
^-'.oths of an inch long, an,I lli^-htly Incuned. Seeds about 4-oths of an inch in length, <lark brown,
winged, rather lefs th.m a thir.l of the length of the wings: wings rather more than an mch in length,
markeil with dark ftria- [fig. 4].
DeJcriptiou.-X .roe reaching a height of . 50 feet, and 4 f « t in diameter. So far as we may judge
from report, and the figure of the tree given in the " Edinburgh Philofophical Journal, .t cann<,t be
,,id to L a handfome tree, but may he defcribed as looking naked and tufty The beautiful cone, however,
is ill itlillan ohjcrl nf iittniotioii,
C.,o..r.,phia,l by Jeffrey, in Shall,, Valley, in N„r>h Calif.,rnia. Alf„ by reeliles,
..n the t„|, ..r Scot'., Mnnntain, cne „f the Shalta range, a l.icality where fn,>»- falls early an,I he, W .
// I h r . - W ^ - .."-e Ihe Jiic.iery an.l intr.xluelion „f this tree t„ the Edinbnrsh Oregon Ilotanieal
,rr •. Tl„t -Uf.iciatl.m was ellablilhe.1 in , S;o, by a min.ber .,f Se.«!!, arboricultnnfts, with the
Alloeiati.in. • . object