\ (l)miglls MS.S.). Lambert, Gejmi Pinns, e.l. J, 11 p.
5rbes. Pine!. H'oóxrn., p. 63 (1839). Anioine, C«w/,p. 30 (1840-46) Link, in Lian
Loudon, Eiuycl. of Trees, p. 982 (1842). Spach, Hiß..
Arb. R/s. Conif. p. 347 (1845). Enclltclier. -J^«. Conif. p. 1,
316 (1850). Knight, Syn. Conif. p. 30 (1S50), F/ore des .
p. 334 (1835). Gordon, Pineinm. p. 20S (1858).
\'g. Phiiiur.. xi. p. 390(1842). De Chamliray, FraiUPral.
9 (1847). Liiidlt:y and Gordon, in Journ. Horl. Soe.. v, p.
'•erres. ix. p. 275 (1854). Carrière, Traill Gin. des Conif.
NUT PINE and DIGGER PINE of the Cahfomian fettlcrs.
•:ones. Leaves, dr-f.—Lambert, he. eil., t, 58, Loudon, Arboretum, loe
tigs- 1834-1838. Forbe., Pmel. Wobnrn.. loe. eil. t, 23-24,
. Loudon, F.neyei. of Trees. U
Flore des Serres, toe. iil
• n
' I| [ : 1
Specific Characïcr.—Piiius foliis terms iiuaternif<|uc elongatis tcnuibus, vaginis laceris longis: itrobilis
magnis pyramidato-ovatis, fquamis connatis a])opb}fi ancipiti umbone valido elongato fubulato uncinato
incurvo acuto, feminibus alas longitudine,
A large tree, reaching about loo feet in height. Trunk flraight; bark afh-grcy, not very thick.
Branches ftraggling and bent, with leaves only at the terminations, which bear a double tuft of long leaves
hanging heavily down ; confequently the tree ufually looks bare and unfurniflied-
Leaves in threes, perfillent for only- two y ears, glaucous, from lo to 12 inchcs long,
lhaqj-pointetl, flrong, but not fo much fo as in P. macrocarpa—twifted, thrcc-fided,
roimded on the outer tide, and with a prominent miclrib on the inner, which, as well
as the lateral margins, are ftrongly ferrated: with from 10 to 12 rows of flomata on
the outer rounded fide [fig. i], and from 4 to 6 on each fide of the midrib [fig. 2].
Sheaths [fig. 3] from 1 to i! inches long and light brown when young, but
j I Ibortenwl, wrinkleil, and grey when old. At the bafe on the outfidc of each,
j!' when yoimg, is a long fcale with a fliortcr one on each fide of it. Terminal buds elongated.
peaked, bearing about fix rows of leaf buds fpirally difpofed ; the bafe or ftalk, which lengthens
' ' tl with its growth, not bearing leaves, but merely fcales, fo that the twig of a year's growth
would be t>are but for a tuft of long leaves at its apex, each branch thus fliewing two tufts
of long leaves at a diftancc from each other. The phyllulx left by the fall of the leaves are
fmall and diftant from cach other, and with very flight decurrent fears. Male catkins, appearing
in their native country in Fcliruary and March, in Europe in May; erect, alternate, and
clulteral round the young buils; whitilh, cylindrical, and obtufe; about an inch in length and ]
' ' of an inch in diameter Cones fubverticillate, growing at the extremity of lalt year's (hoots,
from 8 to 10 inches long, and 6 or 7 inches in diameter, flightly more developed on the outer than the inner
fide; of a bright green when young, fawn-coloured or brown when old; at firft ere(ii:, aftenvards pendent,
furrounding the Hem in clutters of from three to nine, which prefs on it for fupport, and remain on the tree
for feveral years; veiy refinous; footltalks 2 or 3 inches long; fcales hard and flrong, fully 2 inches long
and broad ; ajiophvfis projecting, pyramidal, compreffcd tranfverfely, flattefl on the inner fide, almolt
[ 12 ] fharp