)U.V PiM : HRANKiKCf.Xsp PiNf ; Oin FiRi.
Richmond and Petcrsbiii^, in Vii^inia.
l'I.NU.S VIlUilNlAXA TF.NUU'OI.IA. Plukenett, Aàm^. Hol. l'l,yl.\<. 297 (1696).
l'INUS FOLILS LONGISSIMIS, Coldcn.iV«».^^^/-. in An. .SV. Cpf.il.y. 1743, n. 230.
PINUS FOLIIS TFRNIS, üronovius, l-'lor. l'i^iu.. ed. 2, p. 152 (1762).
i'INUS T.EDA. Liimoeiis, Sfici.. p. 1419 (176-); Du Roi, Jf„ra-. Bmw,:.. ii. p. 63 (1771t; Wanscnhcim, /Ifj'lr.. p. 41
(17S7); Lambert, 6-Vn;« Pinu!. cd. i, i. p 23 (iSoj); Desfoncaines. ////!. Aré.. ii. p. 612 (1809); Michaux f,\%.Arire<
For. de l'Amir.. i. p. 97 (1810) ; Aiton, Hon. Knj, iii. p. 368 (iSio) ; Willdenow, /laiii«:.,p. 269 (1811); i.oifeicur,
Duham.. v. p. 245 (1S19) ; Lavvfon, Agni. Manual, p. 351 (1835); Lamlierl. Gmn^ Pinus, cd. 2, i. p 30 (1837) ; l.imdon.
Arbor. Uns., iv. p. 2237 (183»); Forbes, Pinct. IVUrn-H.. p. 43 (1X39); Antoine, Conif.. p, 25 (1840); Link, in Ltntuea.
XV. p. 503 (1S41); London, F.ncyil. of Tins. p. 976 (1842), Spacli, Hiß. Nal. l'hanri , li. p. 391 (1842). l-ndlicher,
.S7«. Conif. p. 164 (1847); Lindley and Gonlon, in youm. H.>rl. Soc., v. p. 217 (1850); Knight, ."iyn. Coiiif, p.
30 (1S50); I.nwfon, AHeliut,!. p. 34 (1851), Gordon, l'inctum. p. :io (iSs-H); and Suppiamnl. p 67 (186:); Drstrd,
Frilands-Trmrextm i Daxm. |art 1. p. ; ; (1S64).
-Cones. I-ca-.-cs. d?«.—I-ambert, Genus Pinus, ed. : (U.cil\ t. 18; Loudon. Arbor. Ih-il. (loc. cil), figs 2188-2122; Loudon. iVrr/
of 7',res (/!«. al.), fgs. iSrô-iSiç; Loifeleur, Nauv. Duli,iui. {bc. li/.). t. 75, fig. 2; i-orbes, /'met. Il oiuni. [/oe. ei/)- t- 14.
Antoine, Comf (ix. cil.), t 7. fig 1 ; Michaux fils, Arôres For. de f. Anur. {loc. cil.), t. 9.
/•^..-Loudon, Ar6.jr. Pnl. (loc. ci/.), iv. fig. 2122 and viii t 83.
Spcafic Characïcr.—Pinus foliis ternis elongatis tenuibus, itrobilis patentibus ovato-obicjngis obtufis,
ftjuamarum apophyfi com])reffivpyramidata recta, umbonc projiciente unclnato, feminibus parvis ala longa.
Habitat in Florida et X'irginia.
A tree of abuut Öo feet in height, with a fpreading top. Bark yellowifli or afli-grey, at firlt fmooth ;
when okler, thick and deeply fplit. Buds fliort, fomewhat cylin-
<lrical and conical at the apex (in young
plants half an inch long, and quarter of • AA
. , 1 J an inch broad, [fig. i]j, brownilh red, ^^
veiy refinous. Leaves of a. ii'jiu green, ffi
fiender, from four to five <>r uvt: and a —
half inchcs in length, with the margins '' '
nightly ferruiatod, trigonal, rather rigid, with eight or nine r
on the back, and from three to five rows on cach other
fule [figs. 2 and 3]; ufually three in a flieath, fometimes
four. Sheaths of the leaves brown, rather fine, and long.
" f - L
nearly an inch in length. Male flowers, about an inch
long, iK-nt, and intermingled [fig. 4]. .-Ynthcrs [figs. 5
' ' and 6] with the creft moderately large, and the margin
.,nly very llightly laciniated. The cone.s are elongated and fub-cylindrico-pyramidal
when cU)fed : when open, more or lefs rhomboi.lal, llightly bent towards the tip,
from three and a half to four and a half inches long, and from one and three-ciuarters to two inches
r ] A in