Occurrence: Vicinity of Lyme Regis, England.
Stratigraphic range: Lower Lias; Lower Jurassic (Sinemu-
prominent; radius notched; occlusal edges of radius and
ulna not enclosing a small foramen; radius and ulna probably
not fused. Pelvic girdle probably tripartite, without
fusion between pubis and ischium; pubis much broader
than ischium, especially proximally, and is sub-rectangular;
ischium widely flared distally; ilium only slightly
Fig. 74. Leptonectes moorei (BMNH R 14370). A) skull. B) left forefin, in dorsal view. Scales each equal 100 mm.
Plate 2
Leptonectes moorei, holotype, BMNH 14370. Scale measures 100 mm.
Remarks: The pelvic girdle is disarticulated in the holotype
and the individual elements partially scattered. The
elements identified in the original description as pubis and
ischium were in error, and should have their identifications
reversed (McGowan, 1993: 1201-2102, fig. 4d). Thus
the broadest, and essentially rectangular, element is the
pubis, and the ischium is broadly flared distally. The illustration
of the articulated pelvic girdle (McGowan, 1993:
fig. 4d) should be interpreted as being viewed from the
right, rather than the left, side.
Leptonectes moorei McGowan et Milner, 1999
Fig. 74; PI. 2
Leptonectes moorei McGowan & Milner, 1999
Holotype: BMNH R14370, an incomplete skeleton.
Diagnosis: Snout and mandible slender; snout not long,
snout ratio <0.70, and probably <0.64; prenarial ratio <0.56,
but probably not <0.43; premaxillary ratio <0.48 and probably
<0.44; orbit large, occupying most of post-rostral skull,
orbital ratio >0.20 and probably >0.25. Radius probably not
notched; radius and ulna probably not enclosing small
Occurrence: Near Seatown, Dorset, England.
Stratigraphic range: Lower Lias; Lower Jurassic (lower
Remarks: Having been collected from the Belemnite Marls,
1 m below the Belemnite Stone Band, places the holotype
above the Sinemurian, close to the top of the Lower Lias.
Genus Excalibosaurus McGowan, 1986B
Type species: Excalibosaurus costini McGowan, 1986B.
Diagnosis: Mandible shorter than skull, but >60 percent
of skull length; snout, premaxillary, and prenarial ratios
each <1.0; orbital ratio probably <0.20. Pelvic girdle prob