N icholls & Manabe (2001) also proposed the new
generic name Metashastasaurus for Shastasaurus neoscapula-
ris. This peer-reviewed paper appeared in print after the
publication of Maisch & Matzke (2000B), which was apparently
not peer-reviewed. For the record, RM personally
witnessed Nicholls showing the photographs and figures
of her new specimens to Maisch when both were visiting
Berkeley in 1999. N icholls noted that she would name a
new genus. Maisch & Matzke (2000B) quoted Nicholls
without permission, and proposed a new generic name.
RM feels responsible as the only witness to report these
facts in defense of Dr. Nicholls. It should also be noted
that, while Maisch may have had his own ideas predating
this meeting, he did not examine any of the original material
(including the holotype of S. neoscapularis).
Infraorder Euichthyosauria Motani, 1999B
Definition: All merriamosaurians more closely related to
Ichthyosaurus communis than to Shastasaurus pacificus.
Diagnosis: Humeral facets for radius and ulna equal in
length; bony attachment of teeth lost.
Family incertae sedis
Genus Qianichthyosaurus Li, 1999
Qianichthyosaurus Li, 1999: 1319
Type species: Qianichthyosaurus zhoui Li, 1999.
Diagnosis: About 42 presacral vertebrae; tetradactyl fore-
fin with 13 to 15 phalangeal rows; tetradactyl hindfin with
5 to 8 phalangeal rows; tailbend probably present (modified
from Li, 1999).
Remarks: See the remarks for the type species.
Qianichthyosaurus zhoui Li, 1999
Qianichthyosaurus zhoui Li, 1999: 1319.
Holotype: IVPP V11839, a nearly complete skeleton.
Paratype: IVPP V11383, a nearly complete skeleton.
Diagnosis: As for the genus.
Occurrence: Guarding region, Guizhou, People’s Republic
of China.
Stratigraphic range: Wayao Formation; Upper Triassic
(lower C ami an).
Remarks: As Li (1999) pointed out, Qianichthyosaurus
seems to share some characters with Merriamia, which is a
subjective junior synonym of Toretocnemus. These include
tetradactyl fins with elongated epipodials. However, the
radius is reportedly thicker than the ulna, unlike in Toretocnemus
but similar to shastasaurs. See also Mixosaurus guan-
Family Toretocnemidae Maisch et
Matzke, 2000B
Genus Toretocnemus Mekriam, 1903
Leptocheirus Merriam, 1903: 2 53 (preoccupied)
Toretocnemus Merriam, 1903: 2 59
Merriamia Bqulenger, 1904: 425
Type species: Toretocnemus californicus Merriam, 1903.
Diagnosis: Po sta x ia l no tch in fin elements on trailing
edge, including proximal mesopodials; fibula not extending
posterior to femur.
Toretocnemus californicus Merriam, 1903
Toretocnemus californicus Merriam, 1903: 260
Holotype: UCMP 8100, pelvic region with a hindfin, and
a forefin that may not belong to the same individual.
Diagnosis: Toretocnemus with forefin and hindfin possibly
comparable in length.
Occurrence: Brock Mountain, near Redding, Shasta County,
California, USA.
Stratigraphic range: Hosselkus Limestone; Upper Triassic
(upper Camian).
Remarks: The two species of Toretocnemus may well be
conspecific, but there is currently insufficient evidence to
support such a view (Motani, 1999B).
Toretocnemus zitteli (Merriam, 1903)
Leptocheirus zitteli Merriam, 1903: 2 53
Merriamia zitteli; Boulenger, 1904: 425
Toretocnemus zitteli; Motani, 1999B: 482
Holotype: UCMP 8099, a partial skull and the anterior
part of the body, including forefins.
Diagnosis: Toretocnemus with forefin possibly longer than
Occurrence: Smith’s Cove, Shasta County, California, USA.
Stratigraphic range: Hosselkus Limestone; Upper Triassic
(upper Carnian).
Family Califomosauridae Huene, 1948
Genus Ctdifomosaurus Kuhn, 1934
Shastasaurus Merriam, 1902: 89
Delphinosaurus Merriam, 1905: 2 4 (preoccupied)
Californosaurus Kuhn, 1934: 2 7
Type species: Californosaurus perrini (Merriam, 1902).
Diagnosis: Dorsal centra discoidal y e t thick, With h e ig h t/
length ratio about 1.6 o r 1.7; h um em s wider than long;
ulna with reduced shaft posteriorly.
Californosaurus perrini (Merriam, 1902)
Shastasaurus perrini Merriam, 1902: 89
Delphinosaurus perrini; Merriam, 1905: 24
Californosaurus perrini; Kuhn, 1934: 2 7
Holotype: UCMP 9119, a partial skeleton lacking the
skull, fins, and the tip of the tail.
Diagnosis: As for the genus.
Occurrence: Near Redding, Shasta County, California,
Stratigraphic range: Hosselkus Limestone; Upper Triassic
(upper Camian).
(Unranked) Parvipelvia Motani, 1999B
Definition: The last common ancestor of Macgowania,
Hudsonelpidia, and Ichthyosaurus, and all its descendants.
Diagnosis: Scapular blade straight; radius wider than
long; pubis styloid-shaped.
Family Macgowaniidae nov.
Remarks: A family comprising a single genus named solely
for classificational convenience.
Genus Macgowania Motani, 1999B
Ichthyosaurus McGowan, 1996A: 25
Macgowania Motani, 1999B: 482
Type species: Macgowania janiceps (McGowan, 1996A).
Diagnosis: Humems constriction unremarkable as in Ichthyosaurus,
but manus without digital bifurcation or accessory
digit S4-5; manual digit V closely contacting digit IV.
Macgowania janiceps (McGowan, 1996A)
Ichthyosaurus janiceps McGowan, 1996A: 25
Macgowania janiceps; Motani, 1999B: 482
Holotype: ROM 41992, anterior part of the skeleton.
Diagnosis: As for the genus.
Occurrence: Williston Lake, NW British Columbia, Canada.
Stratigraphic range: Pardonet Formation; Upper Triassic
Family Hudsonelpidiidae nov.
Remarks: A family comprising a single genus named solely
for classificational convenience.
Genus Hudsonelpidia McGowan, 1995
Hudsonelpidia McGowan, 1995: 2 9 4
Type species: Hudsonelpidia brevirostris McGowan, 1995.
Diagnosis: Manual zeugopodials much wider than long
while pes zeugopodials much longer than wide; radiale
without anterior notch; high, straight dorsal neural spines.
Hudsonelpidia brevirostris McGowan, 1995
Hudsonelpidia brevirostris McGowan, 1995: 294
Holotype: ROM 44629, nearly complete but badly weathered
Diagnosis: As for the genus.
Occurrence: Williston Lake, NW British Columbia, Canada.
Stratigraphic range: Pardonet Formation; Upper Triassic
Family Suevoleviathanidae
Maisch et Matzke, 2000B
Genus Suevoleviathan Maisch, 1998A
Suevoleviathan Maisch, 1998A: 49
Type species: Suevoleviathan disinteger (Huene, 1926).
Diagnosis: L a rge ichthyosaur, total length > 4 m. Forefin
digits widely splayed distally; probably more than five
digits; no notching; forefin no t much longer than hindfin;
notching in most elements of the leading edg e of hindfin.