Archer in Journ. Bot. (1874), iii., p. 92.
H ab. In pools.
Ireland ; Norway.
Plate L IX ., flg. 5. a, living frond ; h, empty frond ; c d, end views.
Stauzastzum ophiuza. Lundell Lesm. Suec. (1871), p. 69, t. 4 , / . 7.
Large, slightly emarginate at the middle ; semi-oells obovate
gradually dilated upwards, furnished at the convex apex with
bifid papillæ, lower angles with a papilla, superior angles produced
into elongated arms, which are slender, colourless,
straight, or slightly incurved ; margin delicately denticulate ;
semi-cells in end view 7 (rarely 6 or 8) rayed ; rays very long,
three-toothed at the apex, very gradually attenuated outwards;
margin serrato-dentate ; in the centre ornamented with a coronet
of 7 (rarely 6 or 8) quadrifid papillæ.
Size. Length 65-82 p ; diam. 34-40 p ; rays 63 p (L.) ;
length 65-80 p ; diam. 140-150 p, with rays (Wo.).
Arcber Micr. Journ. xvii. (1877), p. 192; xiii. (1873), p.
311. Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 35. Wille Norges
Desm. (1880), p. 46. Wolle. Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 134, t.
13, f. 10, 11.
H ab. In mountain pools.
Ireland ; Sweden, Norway, United States.
Plate L IX ., fig. 1. a, living frond ; I, empty frond j c d, end viewa.
Stauza stzum e lo n g a tum . Parker in Micr. Journ. ix, (1869), p.
424 (1871), p. 93.
Frond deeply constricted in the middle ; segments T-shaped,
longer than broad ; ends crowned with a wreath of fine spines
or granules, arms horizontal, each nearly half the length of the
segment, and terminated by 3 or 4 minute spines ; base of
each segment inflated sphærioally, and marked with 3 or 4
rows of small spines; end view three-rayed, tapering into elongate,
straight, horizontal processes ; rough, especially at the
most concave parts, between arms, with minute spines.
Siz e . Length 61-77 «; diam., with rays, 43-45 /x (N.) ;
length 60-75 p; diam. 43-45 p (Wo.).
Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 130, t. 46, f. 11, 12.
Staurastrum terebrans, Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p.
34, fig. 16. Archer in Journ. Bot. (1874), iii., p. 91.
H ab. In bog pools.
Connemara and County Cork (Ireland) ; Norway.
Stauza stzum c e za stc s. Lundell Desm. Suec. (1871), p. 69, t. 4,
f i 6-
Bather large, a little broader than long, semi-cells lunate,
but in the middle part snUconical, ventricose, produced on each
side into a robust, not very long, incurved horn, attenuated
towards the rather obtuse extremity, external convex margin
densely clad with numerous warts which are emarginate and
bifid, about the apex of the horn entire and papillæform, interior
margin (concave) naked, with a papillæ at the base ; end view
8 or 4 angled, the angles produced into a straight, stout horn,
attenuated from the broad base to the tridentate apex, at and
within the margin densely ornamented with emarginate bifid
warts, which are entire near the apex of the horn.
Siz e . Length 52-55 /x ; diam. (with horns) 63-72 p (L.) ;
diam. 60-70 p (Wo.).
Nordst. Norges Desm. (1873), p. 35. Archer in Jourm
Bot (1874), iii., 94. Micr. Journ. xii. (1872), p. 202. Wille
Norges Desm. (1880), p. 46. Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p.
133, t. 43, f. 6, 7.
H a b. In mountain pools.
Ireland, North Wales ; Sweden, Norway, United States.
Plate L IX ., flg. 3. a, living frond ; b, empty frond ; c, end view.
t t t Segments furnished with variously disposed spines, simple,
or short and notched at the apex.
Stauzastzum p zob oscideum . (Breb) Archer in Pritch. Infus.
(1861), p . 742.
Segments in front view broadly cuneiform, ends somewhat
convex, rongh, with minute truncate spines, end view triradiate,
sides concave.
Size. Length 45 p ; diam., with arms, 60 p.
Jacobsen Desm. Denm. (1874), p. 206. Nordst. de Algis
(1880), p. 10.
Staurastrum asperum, var. ¡3 proboscideum, Breb. m Ealfs
Desm. (1848), p. 139, t. 23, f. 12, b c.
H a b . In pools.
Sussex, Gloucester, Cornwall; France, Denmark, Java. ^
Plate L IX ., fig. 6. a, living frond; b, empty frond; c d, end views.
Stauzastzum con tzo v e z sum . Breb. in Meneg. Syn. Lesm. (1840),
‘p, 228.
Frond spinulose ; segments with a short process on each
side terminated by minute spines ; end view with three or four
distorted rays. Zygospore orbicular, spiny ; spines stout, once
or twice bifid at the apex.
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