Sect. A. L kiospoeæ. Zygospores normally smooth.
Sub-sect. a. Individuals more or less closely united in threads
or filaments.
Genus 1. GONATOZYGON. Be B ary (1856).
Filament cylindrical ; joints elongated, slender, cylindrical, or
narrow-fusiform, without a constriction or inflation ; ends truncate
; endochrome a single central, longitudinal, undulatory,
contracted band. Joints, previous to conjugation, disunited,
and during the process bent into a knee-shape. Zygospore
placed between the empty conjugated joints.—Archer in Pritch.
Infus.-p. 721.
G o n a to z y g o n R a lf s ii . B e Bary Conj. 76, t. i:, f . 23-25.
Joints^ cylindrical, with the ends somewhat dilated, ten to
twenty times as long as broad, rough on the surface with
numerous minute scattered granules; endoohrome sometimes
bifid at the extremities, usually with a pale space at the centre,
and with a longitudinal series of lighter-coloured dense corpuscles
down the middle. Zygospore orbicular, smooth, placed
between the conjugating joints, which are bent in an angular
S i z e . Diam. 11-12 /* * ( W.) ; 1 0 ^ 9 p (K.) ; 10 « (E. ).
Archer in Pritchard’s Infusoria (1861), p. 722, t. 3 f 1, 2
CleveSver. Desm. (1864), p. 496. Lundell Desm. Suec.’(1871)'
p. 96. Kirchner Alg. Schles. (1878), p. 131.
Doddium asperum, Ralfs. Desm. (1848), p. 158, t. 26, f. 6.
Leptocystinema aspeimm, Archer Mior. Jonrn. (1859), p.’134.
Gonatozygon asperum, Rabh. Krypt. PI. Sachs. (1863) p ’
181. Rabh. Alg. Fur. (1868), p. 155. Wolle Desm. U.S.
(1884), 22, t. 1, f. 1,
H ab. In pools.
Penzance, Prance, Germany, Sweden, United States.
Plate I ., fig. 1, a, living cells; I, empty cells ; c, zygospore.
G o n a to z y g o n B z e b is s o n ii. B e B ary Conj. 77, t. 4, / . 26, 27.
Joints ten to sixteen times as long as broad, narrow-fusiform
somewhat capitate at the ends, loosely united, often single’
rough on the surface, with minute scattered granules ; endo-
* Throughout this work the measurements are given in millimètres
(mm.) or mioro-millimètres fi). The figures are magnified, unless other
wise stated, about 400 diam.
chrome usually with a pale space at the centre, and a series of
corpuscles down the middle. Zygospore orbicular, smooth,
placed between the conjugating joints, which are angularly
S iz e , Diam. 5 p (0 .) ; 7 p (A.).
Archer in Pritch. Inf. (1861), p. 722. Lundell Desm. Sueo.
(1871), p. 96. Wittrook Scan. Desm. (1869), p. 24. Rabh.
Alg. Fur. (1868), p. 156. Nordstedt Desm. Spits. (1872),
p. 26.
Docidium asperum, Brebisson in Ralfs. Desm. (1848), t. 26,
fig. d., p. 159. Breb. Liste (1856), p. 147.
Leptocystinema Portii, Archer Micr. Journ. (1859), p. 184.
Gonatozygon asperum, Cleve Sver. Desm. (1864), p. 496.
Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 50.
Hab. In pools.
Ireland, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Spitsbergen.
Plate I., fig. 2. a, living cells; h, empty cell ; o, zygospore.
G o n a to z y g o n K in a h a n i . (Archer.) Palh. Alg. Bur. in ., 156.
Filament two to three inches long, often breaking up into
separate, joints ; joints twenty to forty times as long as broad,
linear, smooth. Endoohrome in its broader diameter filling
the entire width, in the narrower not more than one-third, occupying
the centre of the joint, and at the central pale space
curved towards the cell wall, and having embedded within it a
longitudinal median series of globose, light-coloured, dense
corpuscles, retracted at each end of the joint, leaving a clear
space containing active granules. Zygospore unknown.
S iz e . Diam. 12-13 p (A.).
Leptocystinema Kinahani, Archer Nat. Hist. Rev., Vol. v., p.
250. Pritch. Inf. (1861), p. 722, t. iii., f. 4.
H ab. Ireland.
Plate I., fig. 3. a, living cells ; I, single cells.
Genus 2. SFHÆROZOSiaA. Corda (1835).
Filament compressed ; joints deeply divided on each side,
thus forming two segments, and giving a pinnatifid appearance
to the filament, united to each other by a narrow isthmus, or
by glandular processes. Sometimes enclosed in a mucous
sheath. Zygospores globose or oval, smooth.
* Gelatinous sheath evident.
Sphæzozosma veitebiratum. Palfs. Besm. 65, t. 6 ,/ . 1 ; t. 32,/. 2.
Joints as long as broad, constriction deep, acute ; segments