If ^ If-
Euastrum circulare, var. Falasiensis, Breb. Liste Desm.
(1856), p. 122. Rabb. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 183.
H ab. In pools,
■Westmoreland, Hants, Wales ; France, Sweden, Norway,
Plate X X X IV ., fig. 3. a c, living fronds; h d, empty fronds; e, end
Eua stzum J en n e z i. Archer in Pritch. Infus. {1861), p.729.
Frond scarcely twice, as long as broad ; segments three-
lobed, basal portion subquadrate, emarginate at the sides ; end
lobe somewhat dilated, its notch linear. Empty frond punctate,
semi-cells in front view with several small inflations in
alternate lines.
Siz e . Length 76 g ; diam. 48 g (R.).
Euastrum circulare, var. Ralfsii, Brebisson Liste Desm.
(1856), p. 122. Wood F. W.ater Alg® U.S. (1872), p. 139.
Eabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 183.
Euastrum circulare, var. y, Ralfs. Desm. (1848), p. 85, t. 13,
f. 5 c.
H ab. In pools.
Westmoreland ; France, United States. (?)
Plate X X X IV ., fig. 4. a, living frond ; I, empty frond.
Eua stzum p e c tin a tum . P rel. in Palfs. Desm. (1848), p. 87, t. 14,
/ . 5.
Frond rather more than twice as long as broad; segments
three-lobed, basal portion snbquadrilateral ; lateral lobes horizontal,
deeply emarginate ; end lobe nuich dilated, straight or
slightly concave at ends; angles entire or emarginate ; empty
frond punctate ; front view of semi-cells with three inflations
near the base. Zygospore orbicular, tuberculose.
Siz e . Length 65 g ; diam. 45 g (R.) ; zygospore 50-55 g
(R.) ; length 58-72 g ; diam. 44-48 g (K.).
Archer in Prit. Inf. (1861), p. 730, t. 2, f. 10 and 30.
Cleve Sver. Desm. (1864), p. 486. Lundell Desm. Suec.
(1871), p. 17. Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 7.
Petit Liste Desm. Paris (1877), p. 31. Wittrock Scan. Desm.
(1869), p. 8. Brebisson Liste Desm. (1856), p. 123. Notaris
Desm. Ital. (1867), p. 37, t. 8, f. 15. Eabh. Alg. Eur.
(1868), p. 180. Jacobsen Desm. Denm. (1874), p. 189.
Kirchner Alg. Schles. (1878), p. 160.
Euastrum gemmatum, Ealfs. Ann. Nat. Hist. (1844), xiv., p.
191, t. 7, f. 4. Hassall Fr. Alg. (1845), p. 882.
Cosmarium pectinatum, Breb. in Meneg. Syn. Desm. (1840),
p. 222.
H ab . In boggy pools.
Sussex, Hants, Cheshire, Westmoreland, Wales, Scotland ;
France, (jermany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy.
Plate X X X IV . , fig. 5. a, living frond ; i, empty frond; r, living
frond of variety ; d, empty frond ; e, zygospore.
Eu a stzum g em m a tum . Kutz. Phyc. Germ. (1845), p. 134.
Frond scarcely twice as long as broad ; segments three-
lobed ; lateral lobes horizontal, deeply emarginate, the protuberances
minutely granulate ; end lobe dilated, its dilations inclined
upwards and minutely granulate, each end with a deep
rounded emargination; empty frond slightly punctate ; semi-cells
in front view with three granulate inflations near the base ;
transverse view with three granulate inflations at each side,
and one at each end.
Siz e . Diam. 38 g (W.) ; length 55 m; diam. 87 g (R.);
length 53 g ; diam. 39 g (D.) ; length 65-72 g ; diam. 33-43
g (K.).
Ralfs. Desm. (1848), p. 87, t. 14, f. 4. Jacobsen Desm.
Denm. (1874), p. 189. Archer in Prit. Inf. (1861), p. 730.
Kiroh. Alg. Sohles. (1878), p. 160. Delponte Desm. (1876),
t. vi., f. 6, 7 (variety). Lundell Desm. Sueo. (1871), p. 17.
Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 7. Wood P. Water Algas
U.S. (1872), p. 136. (?) Brebisson Liste Desm. (1856), p.
123. Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 180. Wolle Desm. U.S.
(1884), p. 101, t. 28, f. 1-2.
Cosmarium gemmatum, Breb. in Meneg. Syn. Desm. (1840),
p. 221.
Euastrum (Eucosmium) Ilassallianum, Nag. Einz. Alg.
(1849), p. 120, t. 7 B.
H ab. In
Sussex, Westmoreland, Cornwall, Hants, Wales, Scotland ;
France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, United
Plate X X X V ., fig. 1. a c, living fronds; 5 d, empty fronds ; e, side
view; f , end views.
E u a stzum zostzatum. Palfs. Ann. Na t. Hist. (1844), xiv„ t. 7 ,f. 5.
Frond scarcely twice as long as broad, oblong ; segments
with their basal portion deeply emarginate at the sides, connected
by a broad neck with the terminal portion ; ends protuberant,
angular, acutely emarginate at the centre, and having
at each side a horizontal subacute projection. Zygospore
orbicular, spinulose.
Siz e . Length 30-50 g ; diam. 25-85 g (R.) ; length 50 g ;
diam. 35 g (C.).
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