Siz e . 40 g ; diam. 29 g.
Cleve Bidrag (1863), p. 486, No. 15. Lund. Desm. Suec.
(1871), p. 23.
Cosinarhm veniistvni, Eabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 164.
H ab. Ill bog pools.
France, Germany, Sweden.
Plate X X X V ., Jig. 11. a, living frond; 5, empty frond.
E uastzum o zn itho c ep ha lum . Bennett Roy. Micr. Journ. (1886),
p. 9, t. l , f . 12.
Frond minute. Each semi-cell with a basal and central
rounded lobe, and a terminal lobe, moderately deeply divided
vertically, and with a single projecting tooth, the lobe resembling
a bird's head. Sutural division somewhat shallow. Cell
membrane tuberculate.
S i z e . Length 57 g ; diam. 30 g (B.).
H ab. In bog pools.
Loughrigg (England).
Plate X X X V , Jig. 13. a, living frond ; i, empty frond, after
Eu a stzum c z en a tum . Kutz. Phyc. Germ. (1845), 135.
Frond minute, about the size of E . elegans ; hexagonal in
outline ; terminal lobe with quite straight extremity, and very
slio-ht vertical incision. Each semi-cell with about three shallow
cremations on each side. Suture shallow. Cell membrane not
S i z e . Length 45 g ; diam. 30 g (B.).
Bennett Eoy. Micr. Journ. (1886), p. 9, t. 1, f. 14. Archer
in Pritch. Inius. (1861), p. 730.
H ab. Bog pools.
Loughrigg (England) ; Germany.
Plate X X X V ., jig. 14. a, living frond ; I, empty frond.
Ge n u s 16. COSOTOCLADIUM, B re l. (1856).
Thallus gelatinous, diohotomously branched, branches springing
from the axis or apices of the cells. Cells compressed,
eniptical, reniform. Propagation as in Cosmarium.— Rahh.
Alg. Eur. iii. (1868), p. 53; DeBary Conjug. (1858), p. 76.
Cosmocladium sa x o n icum , DeBary Conjug. (1858), g . 76.
Not fixed, nestling in a free floating gelatinous mucus, ramifications
extending in two or three directions ; cells elliptical,
with a linear sinus .; semi-cells reniform, oven, yellowish green,
variously attached by the broad side.
S i z e . Cells diam. 12 g , long 19 g (Eabh.).
Eabh. Alg. iii. 54. Archer Micro. Journ. 1867, pp. 299.
Cosmocladium pulchellum, Buln. in Eabh. Exs., 1222.
H ab. In pools.
Lake Elsie, near Bettws-y-coed, in North Wales ; Aboyne ;
Plate X X X V . fig. 16. Portion of thallus with separate cell.
C o sm o c la d ium c o n s tz ic tum (A r .j, Josh. Journ. Bot. (1883), p . 292.
Cells somewhat irregularly figure-of-8 shaped, that is constricted
at both sides, the ends tapering in a somewhat triangular
manner to the bluntly rounded extremities.
S i z e . Smaller than C. Saronicum, size not indicated.
Dictyosphoerium constrictum, Archer in Micro. Journ., 1866,
vi., p. 128.
H ab. In pools.
Ireland, Aboyne, Penzance.
Ge n u s 17. C0SMAS.IU3W:, Corda (1835).
Frond more or less constricted ; segments undivided, usually
rounded, sometimes slightly sinnated, or rarely slightly contracted,
somewhat extended and truncate at the ends, never
notched, neither provided with spines nor processes ; end view
elliptic, and sometimes each side with a lateral opposite inflation,
or circular.
A. Frond compressed, central constriction a deep, usually
linear, incision, end view compressed, either elliptic,
or sub-cruciform, owing to the projection at each side
o f a protuberance or inflation.
* Margins o f segments entire, neither crenulate nor granulate.
C o sm a z ium s u ls lo h a tum (Brel.J, Fritch. Infus. (1861), p. 731.
Frond scarcely twice as long as broad, oblong, constriction
linear, segments suhquadrate, somewhat wider at the base,
lateral and end margins slightly concave, smooth, transverse
view cruciform.
S i z e . Diam. 38-44 g (W.).
Schaarsohm. Magy. Desm. (1882), p. 269. Nordst. & Wittr.
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