France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Ita ly , United
var. ¡i. Malfs. Desm. (1848), p. 81, t. 11, f- 3, e f .
Smaller, margins of lateral lobes more concave, sinua-
tions between the lateral and end lohes more closed, the
la tte r more indented.
H ab. In pools.
North Wales.
Plate X X X I I ., f ig .l . a l , living frond ; c, empty frond ; d, transverse
E u a s tz um p in n a tu m . Malfs. Desm. (1848), p. 81, t. 1 3 ,/. 1.
Frond oblong, about twice as long as broad; segments
five-lobed, in a pinnatifid m a n n e r; basal lobes slightly
emarg in ate; middle smaller, rounded, e n tir e ; end lobe
exserted, dilated, its notch linear ; th e upper margin of the
lohes horizontal; empty frond punctate ; semi-cells with two
large inflations near th e base, four smaller between, three
others above, and two on each end lobe.
S ize. Length 130 g ; diam. 70 g (R .) ; diam. 60-70 g
Archer in P rit. Inf. (1861), p. 729. Cleve Sver. Desm.
(1864), p. 485. Lundell Desm. Sueo. (1871), p. 19.
Norstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 8. P e tit Liste Desm.
Paris (1877), p. 30. Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 182.
Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 98, t. 28, f. 14-16.
H ab. In pools.
North Wales ; Prance, Sweden, Norway, United States.
Plate X X X I I , fig. 2. a, living frond; b c, empty fronds; d, transverse
view; e, side view ; / , end view.
Eua stzum h um e zo sum . Malfs, Desm. (1848), g, 82, t. 1 3 ,/. 2.
Frond about twice as long as b ro a d ; segments somewhat
five-lobed ; basal lobes slightly emarginate; middle lohes
narrow, directed upwards, resembling processes ; end lobe
w ith a short neck, p a rtly included between the middle lobes,
dilated, its notch linear. Empty frond minutely punctate.
Semi-oells with three inflations a t base, two above, and two
on end lobe.
S ize. Length 110 g ; diam. 65 g (R.) ; diam. 75 g (W.).
Archer in P rit. Inf. (1861), p. 729. Cleve Sver. Desm.
(1864), p. 485. Lundell Desm. Suec. (1871), p. 19.
Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 8. Brebisson Liste
Desm. (1856), p. 122. Rabh. Alg Eui^ q 8 6 8 ), p. 182.
Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 99, t. 28, f. 12, 13.
H ab. In pools.
Hants, Wales ; France, Sweden, Norway, United States.
Plate X X X I I , fig. 3. a, living frond; b c, empty fronds; d, transverse
E u a stzum m u ltilo b a tum . Wood F. W. A lga, 135, t. 1 2 ,/. 10.
Frond about twice as long as wide, deeply co nstricted;
sinus moderately la rg e ; from the la te ra l view somewhat
enlarged, and doubly hininhonate in th e middle; semi-oeiis
from th e front trilobate, th e lohes separated by very wide
sinuses; basal lobe broadly emarginate ; central lobe obtuse ,
end lobe broadly and shallowly sinnate-emarginate ; semi-
cells from th e vertex five-lobed; cell membrane smootF
S ize. Diam. 62 g ; length 120 g (W .) ; length 90 g ;
‘^^Wolk 0 6™ .' U.S. (1884), p. 98, t. 53, fig. 11. Bennett,
Roy. Micr. Jonrn. (1886), p. 1, t. 1, fig. H .
H ab. Lakes and pools.
Loughrigg (Lake D istric t) ; United States.
Plate X X X V ., fig. 15. a, living frond ; b, empty frond.
Eua stzum v en tz ic o sum . Fund. Desm. Suec., t. 2 ,/. 2.
Large, twice as long as broad, outline suh-elliptio, d e e p ^
constricted a t th e middle, resembling s m a l l forms of E.
crassum in front view. Semi-oells in side view snb-rect-
angular, end broadly and flatly rounded sides somewhat contra
c ted near th e apex, producing a lobule on_ each side,
another lobule between base and apex. End view B ^ a d lj
elliptic, with four (or five) swellings on each s / e . Zyg -
spoi-e orbicular, furnished with numerous short, stout, ob-
tusely pointed conical tubercles.
S ize. Length 88 g ; diam. 50 g (W.) ; length 105 g i
diam. 66-69 g (L.).
Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 160.
H ab. Pools.
Lake D istric t (England) ; Sweden, United States.
Plate X X X 111., fig. 1. a, living frond ; h, empty frond ; c, side view ;
d, end view.
E u a stzum affine. Malfs. Ann. Nat. H ist. (1844), 14, t. 1 ,f . 3.
Frond about twice as long as broad; segments three-
lobed ; basal lobes slightly emarginate, having intermediate