Spondylosium secedens, Archer in Prit. Inf. (1861), p. 724.
H ab. In ditches.
Ireland, Germany.
Plate I I ., fig. 3. a, living cells ; I c, empty cells x 800 ; d, transverse view.
S p hæ zo z o sm a p u lc h e llum . (Archer.) P alh . Alg. Bur. III., 150.
Filament minute, fragile ; joints about as broad as long,
sharply incised ; segments laterally inflated at the base, thus
giving a pouting appearance to the joint, narrowing to the ends,
which are straight, with square angles ; endochrome containing
in each segment a single central lighter-coloured globose corpuscle.
No evident gelatinous sheath.
S iz e . 9-10 p broad, 10-13A p long (K.) ; 9-11 (C.).
Spondylosium bambusioides, Wittrock Scan. Desm. (1869), p.
25, fig. 12.
Spondylosium pulchellum, Archer Prit. Inf. (1861), p. 724, t,
3, f. 10. Quart. Journ. Mior. Sci. xvii. (1877), p. 191. Lundell
Desm. Suec. (1871), p. 92. Nordstedt Norges Desm.
(1873), p. 49. Jacobsen Desm. Denm. (1874), p. 212. Kirchner
Alg. Schles. (1878), p. 134.
H ab. In pools.
Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.
Plate I I ., fiy . 4. a, living cells ; J, empty cells x 600.
Genus. 3. O N Y C H O N EM A . Wallich (1860).
Filament compressed. Margins inciso-serrate. Joints deeply
constricted, and united to each other by diverging sub-capitate
processes (cornua).
The remarkable form of the overlapping and alternating horns (cornua)
and the uncinate processes given off from the extremities of the segments
at once distinguish this genus from all others.—Ann. Nat. Hist. Ser. iii.’
Vol. V., p. 195. ’ ’’
O n y c h o n em a N o z d s te d tia n a . Turner Journ. Bov. Micr. Soc 1865
934, t. 1 5 ,/. 3.
Cells forming filaments of fifty or sixty cells or more, connected
by the curious sub-capitate claspers peculiar to this
genus. Without these processes the cells resemble smooth
Cosmaria, as they do not posses the booklets (at the ends of the
segments) which pertain to 0. uncinatim, W., and 0. loeve,
Nord. Chlorophyll confluent.
S iz e . 14 ^ long x 18 ^ broad. Gelatinous sheath, 36-40 u
broad. Isthmus, 3-4 p.
Strensall Common, near York.
Plate I I ., fig. 7. a, living cells ; b c, empty cells (after Turner) • d
empty cell X bUO. ’
Ge n u s . 4. H Y A LO TH E C A . Bhr. (1840).
Filament cylindrical, very gelatinous ; joints having either a
slight constriction, which produces a orenate appearance, or a
grooved rim at one or both ends, which forms a bifid projection
at each side; end view circular ; endochrome radiate. Zygospores
round, smooth.—Archer in Pritch. In f. p. 722.
H y a lo th e c a d is s ilie n s . (Smith.) Palfs. Desm. 52, t. \ , f . 1.
Filament fragile, orenate ; joints usually broader than long,
with a shallow groove round each, dividing the endochrome into
two portions. Zygospoi’e globose, smooth, placed between the
persistent connecting tube formed by the mutual fusion of a fresh
extension from and produced between the sides opposed to each
other of the conjugating pairs of joints, the filament having previously
broken up into single joints.
S iz e . Diam. 20-36 p (W.) ; 22-34 p. (K.) ; 14-25 p (R.)-
Zygospore 25 p.
Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), iii., 152. Wolle. Desm. U.S.
(1884), t. 1, f. 3. Breb. in litt. (1846) fide Ealfs. Breb. Liste
Desm. (1856), p. 118. Ralfs. Brit. Alg® No. 22. Archer
Pritch. Inf. (1861), p. 722, t. 2, f. 32 and 35. Delponte
Desm. (1876), p. 69, t. 1, f. 1-12. Nordstedt Desm. Arct.
(1875), p. 16. Cleve Sver. Desm. (1864), p. 496. Lundell
Desm, Sueo. (1871), p. 94. Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873),
p. 48. Petit Liste Desm. Par. (1877), p. 29. Grunow Desm.
Austr. (1858), p. 498. Nordstedt and Wittr. Desm. Ital.
(1876), p. 27. Wood P. Water Algae U.S. (1872), p. 124.
Wittrook Scan. Desm. (1869), p. 26. Notaris Desm. Ital.
(1867), p. 25, t. 1, f. 1. Wille Nov. Sem. (1879), p. 61.
Jacobsen Desm. Denm. (1874), p. 212. Kirchner Alg. Schles.
(1878), p. 131.
Conferva dissiliens. Smith Engl. Bot. (1812), t. 2464.
Gleoprium dissiliens, Berk. Ann. N. H. (1845), xvi., p. 11.
Hassall Pr. Alg. (1845), p. 346, t. 83, f. 3.
Desmidium mucosum, Breb. Alg. Fal. (1835), p. 65, t. 2.
Hyalotheca mucosa, Kutz. Phyc. Germ. (1845), p. 140.
Kutz. Sp. Alg. (1849), p. 187.
H ab. In ponds and shallow waters.
Generally distributed through England and Wales (J. R.),
Ireland (W. A.), Scotland (G. D.). France, Germany, Austria,
Norway, Italy, Spitzbergen, Sweden, Denmark, Nova Zembla,
United States.
var. inajoz. Delponte Desm. (1876), 1 .1, f. 1, 3, 4, 7, 10,11,12.
S iz e . 36 X 27 p, (D.).
Plate I I I . , fig. 1. a, living cells ; I, empty cells; c, transverse view ;
d, zygospore.