Schaarsclim. Magy. Desm. (1883), p. 273. Lemaire Desm.
Vosg. (1883), p. 23. Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 142, t.
45, f. 14-16.
H ab . In ponds and pools.
Sussex, Wales; France, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, United
Plate L I I . , fig. 3. a, Hving frond; h, empty frond; c d e, end
Stauzastzum P z in g sh e im ii. Reinsch. Alg. FI. (1867), l72.
Segments in front view elliptical, with a rectangular incision
at the point of union ; end view triangular with nearly straight
sides and rounded end. Cell membranes covered more or less
densely with firm truncate spines.
Siz e . Length 65-69 p ; diam. 61-64 p (Re.).
H ab. In mountain pools.
Lake District, North Wales ; Germany.
Plate L I I ., fig. 4. a, Hving frond ; h, empty frond ; c d, end views.
S tauzastzum R o y an um . Archer Micr. Journ. xvii. (1877), p. 103.
Somewhat resembling S. Pringsheimii, but usually with the
addition of two, sometimes four or five long, stout, subulate
spines at each angle; the spines on the surface are less numerous
and definite. Across the broadly elliptioo-fusiform semicell,
on each front surface, near the base, runs a series of four
spines, a marginal series of five above this on the upper surface.
In end view are fifteen spines, two—one behind the other—
obliquely pointing towards each of the three angles, and a series
of three on each side between each of the innermost of the
pairs, at the angles. When the angles bear two or three of the
long and rather stout spines, they are usually superimposed, and
one only presents itself to view in the end view, though occasionally
divergent ; when there are more than three angular
spines they seem to form an obliquely radiating group.
Siz e . Not stated.
H ab. In bog pools.
Ireland, Scotland.
S tauzastzum b u llo sum . Bennett Roy. Micr. Journ. vi. (1886), «
n , f i g . 18-20.
Frond moderately large, semi-oells elliptical, more than twice
as long as broad, triangular in end view, united by a narrow
isthmus. Each segment with a hemispherical projection, which
is very conspicuous, especially in end view. Frond and projec-
tion uniformly verrucose, fringed with colourless, equidistant,
subulate spines.
Size. Length 8 5 /i; diam. 38 p (B.).
H a b . Amongst moss in streams.
Lake District (England).
Plate L I ,, fig 5.
(after Bennett).
Hving frond ; I, empty fro n d ; c d, end views
S tauzastzum a ca z id e s. Nordst. Lesm. Spetz. (1872), p. 40, t. 7,
/ . 26.
Medium size, about one-half longer than broad, elliptical
oblong, apex sub-truncate or retuse, constricted in the middle,
with a narrow linear sinus ; semi-oells somewhat semi-circular,
with the apex retuse, inferior angles rectangular, superior angles
broadly rounded a little above the middle, with a semi-elliptic
incision on eaob side, about the margin, and within it, furnished
with small prominent spines ; end view triangular, sides retuse,
angles rounded, obtuse.
Siz e . Length 40-45 p ; diam. 30-33 p (N.).
Nordst. Norges Desm. (1873), p. 32. Wille Nova Sem.
(1879), p. 54. Nordst. Desm. Arct. (1873), p. 37.
H a b . In pools.
Stirling, N.B. ; Norway, Nova Zembla, Spitzbergen.
Plate IX ., fig. 5. a, living frond ; I, empty frond; ode , end views.
V. Segments with numerous short truncate emarginate
scattered spines, principally confined to the margins,
end view angles rounded ; if angles spinous, no spine in
particular conspicuously larger than the others terminating
the angles.
S tauzastzum sp on g io sum . Breb. in Meneg. Syn. Lesm. (1840), p.
Segments semi-orbicular, spinulose ; spines forked ; end
view triangular, bordered with forked spines ; angles rounded.
Zygospore globose, with numerous spines once or twice forked
at the tips.
Siz e . Diam. 45-50 p (K . ) ; diam. 45-50 p (Wo.) ; zygospore
56 p without spines (L.).
Ralfs Desm. (1848), p. 141, t. 23, f. 4. Archer in Prit.
Inf. (1861), p. 739, t. 3, f. 22-23. Nordstedt Desm. Arct;
(1875), p. 87. Wille Norges Desm., p. 43. Cleve. Sver.
Desm. (1864), p. 490. Kirchn. Alg. Schles. (1878), p. 166.
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