P e n iu m c u c u r b i t in u m . Bisset. Roy. Micr. Journ. 1884, p. 197,
t. 5 ,/ . 7.
S iz e . 85-90 p long ; 32-35 p diam.
H ab. Deeside.
G enus 10. CYL IN D RO CY ST IS . Meney. (1838).
Cells involved in gelatin, cylindrical, witli rounded ends, and
without constriction. Endochrome at length radiating from a
single axile chlorophyll body in either half. Zygospore quadrate,
elongate, or globose.—De B a r y .
C y lin d ro c y s tis d ip lo sp o x a . Lund. Lesm. Suec. (1871), p. 83, t. 5,
Large, snbcylindrical, twice as long as broad, slightly constricted
in the middle, at each extremity very slightly dilated,
apices broadly rounded ; vertical view perfectly circular ; membrane
colourless, smooth. Zypspore double, compressed, transversely
subrectangular, exterior angles rounded, empty cells
attached. ,
S iz e . Length 60-66 p ; diam. 30-33 p. Zygospore 66 p
long (L.)
Lundell Desm. Suec. (1871), p. 83, t. 5, fig. 7. Nordstedt
Norges Desm. (1873). Archer in Journ. Bot. (1874) xii., 94.
Schizospora pacliyderma, Reinsch. Alg. & Fung. (1874), t.
17, f. 1.
P enium diplosporum, Jacobsen Desm. Denm. (1874), p. 164.
H ab. In pools.
Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark.
Plate X V I I I ., jig. 1. a, living fronds; b, zygospore.
C y lin d x o c y s tis cx a ssa . L e Bary Conj., p. 74, t. v il., / . C.
Cells ovate, elliptical, or cylindrical, almost twice as long
as broad, rounded a t each extremity, involved in a colourless or
pale greenish amorphous gelatin.
S iz e . 30-40 X 20-23 p (B.).
Penium rupestre, Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 120.^
Trichodictyon rupestre, Kutz. Phy. Germ. (1845), p. 153.
Tab. Phyc. i., t. 26. Spec. Alg., p. 230.
H ab. Amongst mosses.
Britain, Germany, Sweden.
Plate X V I I I . , jig. 2. a, living and empty fronds ; b c, daughter cells.
G enus 11. M E SO T JEN IVM . Ndg. (1849).
Cells straight, shortly oylindrioal or oval, ends rounded, not
constricted in the middle. Chlorophyll band axillaiy, sometimes
divided in the middle.
M e so ts e n ium m ix iiic um . Archer Micr. Journ. (1864) p. 130, t 1
/ . 20-31.
Cells broadly elliptic, chlorophyll-plate in edge view very
narrow, often curved; endochrome dense.
Siz e . Length 26-30 ; diam. 1 7 - 2 0 /x (A .).
Palmoglma mirifica, Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), iii., p. 117.
On wet rocks.
Near Ballinrush.
Plate X V I I I . , fig. 3. a, living cell; b, c d, cell contents emerging;
i f ff, empty cell membranes; h, spore-like body.
M e so tse n ium c h lam y d o sp o x um ^ L e Bary. Conjug., p. 75, t. 7,
Cells oblong, cylindrical, ends broadly rounded ; chlorophyll
plate 111 edge view usually axile, narrow, fusiform, pointed at
the ends. Zygospore irregular, sub-polygonal, witli a thick
outer membrane.
S iz e . Length 25-30 p ; diam. 12 p ; zygospore 26-33 x
21-26 ft (A.).
Archer in Micr. Journ. (1864), p. 124, t. 1, f. 1-19.
^^Palmoglaia chlamydospora, Rabli. Alg. Eur. (1868), iii.,
On wet rocks.
Near Dublin.
Plate X V I I I . , fig. 4. a b, living fronds; c, empty frond ; d e f q,
zygospores in various stages ; h i, mature zygospores.
M e ao ta en ium v io la s c e n s . L e Bary. Conjug., p. 74, t. 7, f . B.
Cells ovate or ovate-elliptio, sensibly attenuated at the poles
Chlorophyll plate entire. Plasma pale violet. Zygospore
obtusely angular.
Siz e . 25 x 15 ;x (B.).
Crowe in Mior. Journ. (1873), xiii., p. 319. Nordstedt
Norges Desm, (1873), p. 42.
Palmoglma violascens, Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), iii.. 117.
H ab. On rocks.
Bray Head (Ireland) ; Germany, Norway.
^ cells; c, empty cell; d e, cells
ciiviclea; f , cells copulating ; coloured green in error.
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