Cosmazium c z is ta tum , Ralfs, Lesm. (1848),p. 105, t. 17, f 2.
Frond in front view as long as broad, orbicular, constriction
deep, linear; segments semi-orbicular, margined by a series of
obtuse papilla-likc pearly grannies, and having at the centre of
cacb a circular granulate inflation ; end view linear, truncate at
ends, with a slight central inflation at each side.
S i z e . 4 0 - 4 3 g ( 0 . ) .
Brebisson Liste Desm. (1866), p. 131. Archerin Prit. Inf.
(1861), p. 734. Eabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 172. Schaarschm.
Magy. Desm. (1883), p. 264.
H a b . In pools.
Westmoreland; France, Germany, Hungary.
Plate X L ., fig. 6. a c, living fronds; h d, empty fronds; e, end
Cosmazium q u in a z ium . Lundell Lesm. Suec. (1871), p. 28, t. 2,
fi 14.
' Medium size, sub-hexagonal, about a fourth part longer than
broad, with a deep linear median incision, semi-cells snb-
trapezoid, narrowed upwards, dorsal margin somewhat truncate,
sides slightly convex, lower angles obtuse, margin obsoletely
granulate-dentate, the granules near the margin more acute, in
the centre five obtuse granules, in two transverse series, end view
elliptic, granulate, centre smooth ; side view circular with three
grannies on each side.
S iz e . Length 39-42 g.; diam. 33-34| g ; isthmus 9J g
Nordst. Norges Desm. (1871), p. 18. Archer in Journ. Bot.
iii. (1874), p. 93.
H a b . In mountain pools.
Ireland ; Sweden, Norway.
Plate X L ., fig. 7. a, living frond; h, empty frond ; c, end view.
Cosmazium isthm o chon d z ium . Nordst. Norges Lesm. (1871),
p. 12, fig. 2.
Medium size, sub-hexagonal, a fourth part longer than broad,
with a deep linear median incision, semi-cells semi-circular,
dorsal margin truncate and naked, sides somewhat convex,
margin obsoletely granulate-dentate, a series of granules within
the lateral margins, and two larger within the dorsal margin,
loiver angles obtuse with a papilla, witb one or a pair in the
centre, and one at the isthmus ; end view elliptic, margin obsoletely
granulate, in the middle within the margin on each side
two larger j apill® ; side view circular, with a basal papilla.
S iz e . Length 33-35 g ; diam. 28-30 g ; isthmus 11 g
H a b . In mountain pools.
Lake District ; Norway.
Plate X L I ., fig. 9. a, living frond; h, empty frond ; c, end view:
d, side view.
Cosmazium quadzifazium. Lesm.
t. 3 , / . 12.
(1871), p. 32,
Of medium size ; one-quarter longer than broad, deeply constricted,
with a narrow linear sinus, semi-oells semi-circular
margin furnished with seventeen emarginate-truncate verruoæ,
and a similar series within the margin, basal tumor orbicular’,
ornamented with 12-17 granules, end view elliptic in outline
with a granulate tumor on each side at the middle, four longitudinal
series of bifid verrucæ down the centre, side view with a
granular tumor on each side, the apex crowned with four
papillæ. Zygospore sub-quadrate, smooth.
Siz e . Length 40-44 g ; diam. 82-36 g (L.) ; zygospore
40 X 34 g.
Nordst. Norges Desm. (1871), p. 14. Archer in Journ. Bot.
(1874) iii,, p. 93. Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 87, t. 17
f. 16-18.
H a b . In mountain pools.
Ireland, Arran ; Sweden, Norway, United States.
Plate X L ., fig. 8. a, living frond; 5, empty frond; e, end view ; d,
Cosmazium h e x a s tic h um . Lundell Lesm. Suec. (1871), p. 33.
t. S ,f . 13.
Medium size, a fourth part longer than broad, deeply constricted,
with a linear sinus, a little dilated outwards, semi-cells
perfectly semi-circular, lower angles rectangular, margin ornamented
with 15 emarginate truncate warts, and wil)iin the
margin two similar concentric series, furnished with a semi-
orbicular warted basal tumor, warts nine (2-4 fid), disposed in
two transverse lines, end view elliptic, swollen and warted in the
middle on each side, a t each end six crenations, in the middle
six series of bifid warts in longitudinal lines ; side view apex
broadly rounded with six crenations, on each side ventricose
above the base, and furnished with two emarginate warts.
Siz e . Length 53 g ; diam. 42-44 g ; isthmus 21 g (L.).
Nordst. Norg. Desm., p. 14. Archer in Journ. Bot. (1874)
iii., p. 93. Nordst. Desm. Gronl. (1885), p. 9.
I ii-''
ii ; '
" l i
i .