S iz e . Diam. 8 -1 0 /a (K.).
Archer Micr. Jonrn. (1868), viii., PP- 6®’ .
Desm. (1864), p. 492. Lundell ^esm. Suec. (1871), p. J l .
Eabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 147. E-iroh. Alg. Schles. (18/8),
Spirotcenia erytlirocephala, Braun. Archer P iit. Inf. 1861),
p. 751.
(Carrig Mountain) Ireland ; Sweden, France.
Plate X I X ; fig. 7. a i, living fronds.
Spiiotsenia ten e r r im a . Archer Micr. Journ. (1870), i). 203.
Exceedinglv slender, cells somewhat curved _ or arched,
slightly tapering, ends truncate, endochrome forming a sing e
spiral reaching from end to end of the cavity. Cell division
S iz e A s regards width this is the most minute known,
though S. parvula is shorter. I t agrees pretty nearly with
Rhaphidium falcatum in size.—( Archer.)
H ab. In pools. ■
Spiiotaenia bryophila. Prei. P a lh . A lg . Pur., p . 146.
Small, growing on mosses, involved in gelatin, oblong-
cylindrical, straight or somewhat curved, twice or three times
longer than broad, rounded at each extremity, with a single
chlorophyll band, making one or one and a half turns.
S iz e . Diam. 8 g (W . ) .
Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 33, t. 3, f. 20.
Endospira bryophila, Breb. in Desm. Crypt, de F i. (18o0),
Palnioglcea endospora, Kutz. Tab. Phy. i., p. 19, t. 24, f. 6.
^Spirotan^ muscicola, Ue Bary Conj. (1858), p. 75, t. vii,
f. F.
H ab. On mosses, &c.
France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, United States.
Plate X I X ; fig. 8. a, cell family ; h, mature living cell.
I Spiral bands numerous.
Spirotsenia obscuYa. Palfs. Lesm. (1848), 179, t. 3 4 ,/. 2.
Frond cylindrical, or fusiform, five to eight times longer than
broad extremities rounded, ends b lu n t; endochrome in several
slender spiral bands, their revolutions two or three, sometimes
scattered, having a clear space at each extremity in which there
is sometimes a free granule.
S i z e . Diam. 8-15 p (W.) ; length 1 6 0 /x; diam. 30 ;x
(K.) (L.) ; length 76 p •, diam. 1 5 /x (Minor); length 136-
226 p ; diam. 28 p (D.).
Brebisson Liste Des. (1856), p. 157. Archer in Prit. Inf.
(1861), p. 752. Delponte Desm. (1878), t. 20, f. 24-25.
Nordstedt Desm. Arct. (1875), p. 16. Cleve Sver. Desm.
(1864), p. 492. Lundell Desm. Suec. (1871), p. 91. Nordstedt
Norges Desm. (1873), p. 47. Eabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 147.
Wille Nov. Sem. (1879), p. 58. Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p.
8.3, t. 3, f. 16-19. Kirch. Alg. Schles. (1878), p. 186.
H a b . In bogs.
Kent, Cornwall, Wales, Ireland ; France, Italy, Spitzbergen,
Sweden, Nova Zembla.
Plate X I X ; fig. 6. a h, living fronds.
Sect. B. CosMospoKiE. Zygospores normally warted,
spinulose, or ornate.
Ge n u s 14. M IC R A S T E R IA S . Agardh. (1827).
Frond mostly lenticular, as long as, or slightly longer, than
broad, deeply constricted into two-lobed segments; segments
usually semi-orbicular, 5 or sometimes 3-lobed ; lobes incised or
divided, mostly radiant, their ultimate subdivisions spreading,
dentate or minutely spined, or rarely only sinuate at the outer
margin ; central constriction usually linear.
Sub-Gen. I. T b t r a c h a s t e u m . Dixon.
Lateral lobes broadest at their base, and attenuated outwards.
M ic z a s te iia s (T e tr a c h a s tz um ) m u c z o n a ta . (Pixon), P alh. A lg.
P u r .(\8 6 3 ),p . 187.
Frond longer than broad, sub-elliptio; lateral lobes very
broad, straight on the margin, forming the base of the segment,
turgid on the upper margin, their extremities rounded, furnished
on the margin with one, two, or three minute micro-like spines,
one always at the extremity or basal angle of the segment,
others, when present, irregularly placed on the upper margin;
terminal lobe short, very broad, its lateral projections short,
stout, quickly tapering, somewhat incurved at extremities, which
are muoronate; ends rounded, with a very shallow inconspicuous
central concavity ; transverse view broadly elliptic, empty
frond punctate.
S i z e . Diam. 9 6 - 1 1 0 / i (K.).
l - ' i