Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 6. Kirchner Alg. Schles.
(1878), p. 163. . -D
Tetrachastnm mucronatuin, Dixon. Archer in n .
(1861), p. 725.
H ab. In pools.
Ireland, Wales ; Germany, Norway.
Plate XX., Jig. 1. «> living frond ; I, empty frond ; o, side view ;
d, end view.
(U .,,.) S .V .. ü « . .
Frond about as broad as long, pinnatifid, lateral lobes separated
from tlie terminal by a rounded sinus, horizontal conical
their extremities bidentate; end lobe short, broad, its lateral
proiections short, conical, usually bidentate, narrower and shoiter
than the lateral lobes; ends convex at the centre, transverse
view fusiform ; empty frond punctate.
S iz e . 100 X TiO-g (R .) ; diam. 150-160 g (W.).
Rabh. Alg. Eur. (1868), p. 169. Jacobsen Desm. Denm.
(1874) P 185 (partly). Wolle Desm. U.S. (1884), p. 116, t.
£ , f 8, 4 . BreLsoii Liste Desm. (1856), p. 121.
Holocystis oscitans, Hassall Fr. Alg. (1845), t. L p n
Teirachastrum oscitans^ Dixon. Archer Prit, Inf. (186 ),
725, t. 2, f. 28, 29.
H ab. In ponds.
Sussex, Westmoreland, Wales, Scotland; France, Denmark,
United States.
Plate X X ., fig. 2. a., living frond ; I, empty frond; r, transverse view.
M ic ia s te z ia s (T e tr a c h a s trum ) p in n a tif id um . (Kutz.) Palfs.
D esm. (1848) , 77, t. 11, / . 2.
Frond rather broader than long, plane, pinnatifid, lateral lobes
separated from the terminal by an equal snbaonte incision, tri
angular, subconical, horizontal, their extremities bidentate ; end
lobe short, its lateral projections transverse, short, bidentate at
th e extremities, ends straight
Siz e . 55 X 62 g (R .) ; diam. 83-110 g (W.).
Wittrock Scan. Desm. (1869), p. 10. Brebisson Liste (1856),
p. 121. Wolle Desm. U.S (1884), p. 116 t. 87, f. 7, 8, 9.
Nordstedt Norges Desm. (1873), p. 6. Oleve Sver. Desm.
(1864), p. 487. Lundell Desm. Sueo. (1 8 /1 ), p. 15.
Euastrum pinnatifidum Kutz. Phy. Germ, P•^^^•
^«^)■a(;/^asírí/ní/)^Vmaí^/íJ^tTO, Dixon. Archer Prit. Int. (1861),
p. 725.
Micrasterias oscitans, var. b. pinnatijida, Rabh. Alg. Enr.
(1868), p. 189. Jacobsen Desm. Denm. (1874). p. 185.
H ab. In pools.
Britain ; France, Germany, Sweden, United States.
Plate XX, fig. 3. a, living frond ; h, empty frond.
Sub-Genus I I . E u-mioeasteeias.
Lateral lobes narrower at the base, and expanded onwards.
M ic z a s te iia s fu z ca ta . Ag. Bot. Zeit. (1827).
Frond smooth, segments sub-five-lobed ; basal and middle
lobes bifid, their subdivisions slender, linear, divergent, and
forked at the apex ; bifurcation usually incurved ; end lobe ex-
serted, with a rounded sinus between the considerably produced
divergent extensions from the angles, which are ultimately
forked, their bifurcations incurved.
S i z e . Length 140-220 ; diam. 113-205 g (K.) ; length
144 g-; diam. 166 g (T.) ; diam. 150-180 g (W.) ; length 187
g ; diam. 162 /x (R.^
Kutz. Syn. (1883), p. 603. Ralfs. Desm. (1848), p. 73, t. 9, ■
f. 2. Archer in Prit. Inf. (1861), p. 726. Oleve Sver. Desm.
(1864), p. 487. Lundell Desm. Sueo. (1871), p. 14. Wolle
Desm. U.S. 01884), p. I l l , t. 35, f. 5, 6. Petit Liste Desm.
Paris (1877), p. 31. Wood F. Water Alg® U.S. (1872), p.
144. Wittrook Scan. Desm. (1869), p. 9. Kirchner Alg.
Schles. (1878), 7. 162.
Micrasterias crux-melitensis, var. b. furcata. Rabh. Alg.
Eur. (1868), p. 190.
Micrasterias radiata, Hass. Fr. Alg. (1845), p. 386.
Micrasterias melitensis, Ralfs. Ann. N. H. (1844), xiv., t. 6,
f. 2.M
icrasterias melitensis, ft. gracilis, Kutz.
H ab, In pools and streams.
Wales, Ireland, Westmoreland; France, Germany, Sweden,
United States.
Plate X X I ., fig. 1. a, living frond ; h, empty frond.
Mic za ste z ia s c z u x -m e lit e n s is . (Ehrl) Meneg. Syn. Lesm. (1840),
p. 216.
Frond smooth, segments sub-five-lobed ; basal and middle
lobes bifid, subdivisions short, stout, and bidentate at the apex ;
end lobe exserted, with a rounded sinus between the produced
divergent extensions from the angles, which are ultimately
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