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The following species have come to our knowledge, as
British, during the progress of the present work through the
Gen, 1, iis. G EN IC V LA R IA . JDe S a r y (185S).
Filament cylindrical; joints elongate cylindrical, without a
constriction or inflation, ends truncate ; endochrome arranged
in two or three spiral bands upon the coll wall, sometimes irregular.
Joints previous to conjugation disunited, and bent
during the process ; zygospore placed between the empty conjugated
joints.—Pritch. Infus., p. 721.
Gen icu la x ia spirotaenia. L e Bary Conjug. (1858), p. 77, t. IV., f .
1- 22.
Joints ten to twenty times as long as broad, very slightly
enlarged towards their ends, on the outer surface rough with
minute scattered granules. Zygospore orbicular, smooth, placed
between the conjugating joints, which are bent into a knee
shape, with which it remains for some time in connexion.
Size. Length 200 to 400 p \ diam. 20 p .
Rabh. Alg. Eur. iii. (1868), p. 156. Pritch. Infus. (1861),
p. 721, t. 3, f. 3.
Gonatozygon spirotmnium, De Bary Hedivigla i., p. 106.
H ab. In bogs.
Cornwall ; Germany.
Flate LXV I.yJig. 6. a h, living cells; c, zygospore. After De Bary.
Do c id ium g ran u la tum , Bennett in Jonrn. Boy. Micr. Soc. (1887),
p. 15, flg. 17.
Frond minute, about five times as long as broad, slightly
constricted in the middle, conspicuously covered with pearly
granules. Endochrome dark green, with a light transverse
band in the centre. Bennett Alg. Cornw. p. 15.
Siz e . Length 50 p-, diam. 10 p (B.).
H ab. In bog pools.
“ About the size of L . minutum. Nearest to L . asperum, Ealfs, from
which it differs in its dimensions, in the central constriction, and in the
ends not being dilated,”—Bennett.
Plate L X V ., fig. 2. a, living frond ; 5, empty frond. After Bennett.
Closterium eboxacense. Turner,
For description see page 37.
Plate L X V ., fig. 1. a, living fro n d ; b, empty frond. After drawing
by W. B. Tnrner.
F en ium zu fo p e llitum . Roy in Journ.
L n ll. Micr. Club, iv.
(1880-5), p. 38.
“ I t most resembles Penium cylindrus, but is very distinct
indeed. This form is of a brownish-red colour, due to an
external roughish bark-like coating, which is occasionally shed
from a portion of the superficies, the bare portion of the wall
being then seen to be colourless. There does not seem to be any
other species with this curious characteristic ; the reddish
colour and roughish granular superficies belonging to P . cylindrus
do not appear to be due to an outward coating capable of
Siz e . Not stated.
H ab. In pools.
Near Aberdeen ; Connemara.
Spirotaenia a cu ta . Hilse in Babh. Alg. Hur. Ill,, 148.
Frond fus,iform, acuminate from the tumid middle, 5-8 times
longer than broad, chlorophyll bands numerous, narrow, densely
Siz e . Diam. 6 -7 | p (K.).
Archer iu Journ. Dubl. Mior. Club iv. (1880-5), p. 42.
Eabh. Alg. Exs., No. 1830. Kirch. Alg. Schles. (1878), p.
H a b . In bogs.
England, Ireland, Germany.
Plate L X V I ., flg. S. Empty fronds. From preserved specimens ;
endoohrome too diffused to determine. Mr. Archer is of opinion that
the bands are too indefinite for this genus.
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