1'k BHlitil'
Red Astrachan.
no. 22.
Hort. Trans, vol. iv. p . 522. Fruit Cat.
We are indebted to Mr. Atkinson for the introduction
of this beautiful variety into notice. It was
imported from Sweden, and first fruited by him in
his Garden, at Grove End, in 1816.
It is exceedingly handsome, and a hardy, good
bearer. It ripens about the middle of August, but
will not keep more than a few days. It is one of
those Apples that produce a copious bloom upon
the skin ; which in this instance is like that upon a
S hoots vigorous, clear chestnut, sprinkled with
distinct whitish spots.
L eaves middle-sized, roundish oblong, slightly
acuminate, obtusely serrated. P etioles of medium
length and thickness. S t ipu l e s narrow.
F ruit rather above the middle size, roundish,
slightly angular. E ve surrounded by several irregular
excrescences. S talk short. S k in greenish
in the shade, deep crimson next the sun ; finely
powdered with a fine coat of bloom. F lesh white,
crisp, juicy, subacid, but high-fiavoured ; it soon
becomes mealy.