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de Marie Louise, is the same as this; the appearance
of the fruit from standards and walls being so
different, as to justify any person unacquainted with
the habits of the present variety in considering
them distinct.
It ought to be in every collection, however
limited or select; and it is perfectly invaluable to
those who have not walls for Pears.
Ripens in the middle of October, and keeps till
the end of November.
S hoots moderately strong, rather dark coloured,
with dull brown spots.
Le a v e s , about the middle of the young shoots,
ovate, somewhat acuminate, the margin with
sharply-pointed, though not deep, serratures: the
P etioles of these are about an inch in length.
The leaves, near the base of the shoots, and particularly
at the spurs, have very long, slender petioles,
so that they have a very straggling appearance,
twisting and facing to various directions. The
leaves are there flat, elliptical, with the margin
F lowers middle-sized. P etals obovate.
F ruit large on walls, middle - sized on standards
; oblong, tapering from the middle towards
both ends, the lower of which is obtuse, and
the upper oblique, with a permanent projecting
calyx. S talk more than an inch long. S k in ,
on wall-fruit, nearly smooth, with a little cinnamon-
coloured russet upon a light yellowish-green ground ;
much more russety and brown on standard trees.
F lesh white, exceed in gly juicy, melting, buttery,
and rich. !