it 4
Barrington. Mr. Lindley’s Classification, in Hort. Soc. Trans.
Hort. Soc. Fruit Cat. no. 18.
Buckingham Mignonne. In the above Classification. Hort.
Soc. Fruit Cat. no. 94.
This excellent variety is in the same section
with the Grosse Mignonne, in the Classification
above referred to, but is perfectly distinct from
that variety. It is a good bearer, and comes in
considerably later than the Grosse Mignonne, and
in succession to the Royal George. The trees are
healthy, and the fruit is of the first excellence.
L eaves crenated, with globose glands.
F lowers large.
F ruit large and handsome, roundish, somewhat
elongated, and rather pointed at the summit. The
S uture moderately deep along one side. S kin
pale yellowish-green next the wall, deep red next
the sun, marbled with darker. F lesh yellowish-
white, slightly rayed with some crimson tints next
the stone, from which it parts freely; melting,
juicy, and very rich. S tone middle-sized, ovate,
with a lengthened sharp point; very rugged, and of
a brown colour. R. T.
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