Messrs. Baumanns, of Bollwiller, under the name
of Calville d’Angleterre.
S hoots straggling and rather slender ; dark
chestnut, covered with a silvery gray pubescence,
thinly sprinkled with small whitish dots.
Leaves small, oval, narrow, tapering to the
point,^ somewhat concave, rather sharply serrated
beneath silvery light green.
F lowers middle-sized. P etals ovate, with a
longish claw; not imbricated when fully expanded.
F ruit moderately large, of an ovate form and
angular. S talk from half an inch to an inch in
length, not deeply inserted. E ve closed by the
segments of the calyx, and sunk among knobby
protuberances arising from the terminations of the
angles on the sides. S kin dull green on the
shaded side, and on the sunned side intermixed with
brownish red, and a slight sprinkling of russet, with
sometimes streaks of richer red when well exposed.
F lesh yellowish, firm, and very rich; when cut it
gives out a pleasant perfume resembling the Clove
Gilliflower, whence its name.