Francréal d’été. Diel's Pomol. vol. iii. p. 245. Hort. Soc.
Cat. no. 282.
Fondante. Knoop Pomol. f . 93. tab. 3.
Gros Micet d’été, o f some French Gardens.
This valuable variety is particularly useful in this
country, where we have nothing of high quality to
succeed the Jargonelle. It is destitute of the hardness
of the Bonchrétien, and of the muskiness of
many French Pears of its season.
It is a very hardy, healthy, free-growing tree,
and a great bearer ; ripening in the middle of September.
There can be no doubt of its being the Fondante
or Franze Canneel Pear of Knoop ; but that author
is altogether wrong in quoting as a synonym the
Inconnu Cheneau, or Fondante de Brest Pear of
Duhamel, which is quite another kind.
Writers are not agreed about the meaning of the
word Francréal; Mayer(Po??2. v o l . i i i . p. 321,
no. 146) seems to think it means Royal Pear ; but
Diel, in his Pomology (vol. iii. p.2 45), suggests its
having been derived from a kind of Spanish gold
coin called a real, which resembles it in colour.
W ood greenish-yellow, brown, sprinkled with
a few pale-brown spots.
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