su ri‘
whom few are better acquainted with the varieties
o f orchard fruit. He describes it as forming
a flat-headed tree, healthy, and bearing abundantly
on all soils.
Ripens in November, and remains good till the
end o f January.
W ood spreading, light brown, sprinkled with a
few palish spots.
L eaves cordate-ovate, acuminate, rather coarsely
serrated, very shining above ; under surface slightly
pubescent. P etioles short, o f moderate thickness.
S tipu l e s small.
F lowers rather small. P etals roundish, inclining
to obovate, concave, imbricated, forming a
neatly-cupped blossom.
F ruit small, depressed, round. E ye very wide
and open, in a broad depression. S k in russet,
reddish next the sun, usually cracking. FTesh y e llowish,
firm, crisp, sweet, and very high flavoured.
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