Reinette Grise. Duhamel, Traité des Arbres Fruitiers, tom. i.
p . 302. plate ix. Jardin Fruitier, p . 131. plate xlix.
Mayer’s Pom. Franconica, torn. iii. p . 129. Hort. Trans.
vol. iii. p. 325. Fruit Cat. no. 890.
Reinette Franche Grauwe. Knoop’s Pomologie, p. 50. tah.ix.;
Hort. Soc. Fruit Cat. no. 884.
Aechte Graue Französische Reinette. Reinette Grise Française.
Diel’s Pomology, vol. i. p . 168.
This sort was received by the Horticultural Society
from Haarlem, under the name of the Grauwe
Tranche Reinette. There are several varieties of
the Reinette Grise, and also of the Reinette Franche,
which have all considerable resemblance to each
other, and they appear not to be rendered very
distinct by the authors who have treated of them.
They are, in fact, so variable in different soils and
seasons, that unless they had been collected and
grown under nearly equal circumstances, as they
now are in the Garden of the Horticultural Society,
it would have been impossible either to have made
a proper distinction between them, or to have
decided which was the best. This object has not
yet been fully completed ; but, in the mean time,
the variety now figured has been found to be one of
the best, and appears to be that described by the
authors in the works above referred to. Its cultivation
in this country has not been extensive.
Some authors have affirmed that it will not succeed