It ripens in the end of August and beginning of
September, and bears most abundantly as an open
W ood strong, yellowish green on the shaded
side, chestnut-coloured n ex t the sun, sprinkled with
whitish spots.
Leaves moderately large, broadly ovate, tapering
to the point, with sharp serratures; scarcely
downy on either side. P etioles about an inch
long. S tipu l e s long, linear.
F lowers very large, with roundish petals.
F ruit middle-sized, roundish, flattened, depressed
at the ey e, towards which end o f the fruit it is
slightly angular. S talk about an inch and a quarter
long, moderately thick, inserted in a shallow ca v ity .
S k in green, with a tinge o f y e llow when fit for
u s e ; with a few faint streaks of brownish red on the
sunny side. F lesh yellowish white, very ju icy , a
little crisp and gritty, but very rich and sugary.