King of the Pippins. Forsyth, p . 110. Hort. Soc. Fruit
Cat. no. 519.
Hampshire Yellow. Hort. Cat. no. 431.
This beautiful Apple is of modern origin. It has
been brought into notice by Mr. Kirke, Nurseryman,
Brompton, to whom the public is indebted for the
introduction of some of our best varieties of Fruit.
It is hardy, a great bearer, one of the handsomest
of the season, and will keep till January. It
is, however, in perfection in November, at which
time it ought to be eaten.
W ood vigorous, dark chestnut brown, with few
Leaves m id d le -siz ed , ovate, acuminate, regularly
but not deeply serrated. P etioles short.
S tipules linear - lanceolate, more than half the
length o f the petiole.
F lowers middle-sized. P etals roundish oval,
somewhat cordate at the base.
F ruit above the middle size, inclining to oblong,
broadest n ex t the base; the outline tolerably free
from angles. E ye large, deep, in an even, very
little plaited hollow. S k in smooth, pale orange-
ye llow, generally marked with red n ex t the sun,
and faintly streaked with the same colour. F lesh
yellowish white, firm, breaking, very sweet, juicy,
and high flavoured.
v o l . I I I . G